Personal Statement- Mental Health Nursing

Mental health nursing has the responsibility of taking care of patients having mental illnesses and problems. Common mental disorders and distress include mood disorders, thoughts to commit suicide or self-harm paranoia, and complications related to personality and eating patterns. The reason why I am going to apply for the course is that the number of people with mental illness and distress is increasing. There should be more psychiatrists to deal with the growing number of mental health patients.  The significance of psychiatrists is high because people may not realize the fact that they have any mental illness. The nature of mental illness is quite delicate and young students may also have it. For instance, students may develop mental illness or distrust because of the pressure of performance from their parents or peers.

The subject links with my natural aptitude of studying the human brain and the environment under which it works. The human brain is the most complex creation of nature and considering it can reveal ways of reasoning and their decision-making process. It would be fascinating and collaborative to be among peers studying the same course. The subject would enrich me with the skills to be helpful for people in difficulties like depression and anxiety. It would help me to remove mental disorders and distress from society by responding to this growing problem in society.

I am best suited for this course, and I have some substantial proof to prove this. I have been working at Wyndford Locks Care Home in the position of care assistant. I gained considerable experience from working there. My duties there included assisting patients to get up, go to bed, dressing them, undressing them, and helping them show in the bath. I would help them to clean their rooms and make a bed. Interaction with patients would allow them to learn new things and make new friends. It is worth mentioning here that I have studied level 6 of NC Health and Social Care and level 4 of Health Care. Introduction to health care had perspectives of health and safety in the care setting, communication and awareness in a healthy situation. It also included the role and responsibilities of the health sector and skills for employment. Health and Social Care have issues, principles, and values around the protection of health and safety, social influences, mental health and illness understanding, and behaviour of human development. It gave the ability to take care of people having diseases of dementia, hepatitis B & C, HIV, and others. It developed an understanding of how to deal with the needs and skills of older adults. Other elements included collaboration with others and the use of communication, ICT, and numeracy. These activities and courses have been a source of comfort and happiness for me. That is why I wanted to excel in the field through this subject.

I have a lot of experience and exposure to health and social care, and my current and previous study background shows so. Health and Social Care are all about addressing patients with diseases and providing them with social support. Patients suffering from mental disorders and depression require social care along with medical care. Social Care is inevitable in rehabilitation and addressing mental health patients.

Many other activities also show my great interest in the course. For instance, displaying a role as a volunteer, counsellor for peers, a mentor in a school and advisor to patients about mental illness from the early stages of my life show my interest in the course. In these positions or roles, I helped patients to clean their rooms, counselling those who have mental health or addiction issues, and guiding students to choose the best career for them. It is because students may come under depression if they want a course that is not of interest or capabilities.

I am excellent in communication, time management, caring, passion, respect, and timekeeping skills. These attributes can help to complete this course successfully because they have their specific benefits. For instance, excellent communication would help me interact and work effectively with teachers, peers, and patients of mental illness and distress. Respect would help me develop a network and relationship in class and future workplaces. Attributes of caring and showing passion are directly relevant to the career of mental illness. Timekeeping and hardworking characteristics would guarantee success in the field of mental illness and distress. I also have leadership skills as I have been the chairperson of the Peer Counselors Club for two years. I learned how to achieve equilibrium between studies and leadership responsibilities.

Hobbies must relate to the section of studies and careers. My favourite hobbies are reading and exploring new destinations. I am very friendly and love to help others in a time of need. These hobbies show a link with my studies and career. Mental health, health, and social care are developing fields of knowledge and studies. Reading may help me to acquire new knowledge in these fields. It would help me to be aware of new trends and realities in the course. Exploring new destinations has given me the ability to be adaptable and comfortable with strange places and persons. It would assist me in helping others in the position of a counsellor or advisor for patients of mental illness and distress. Helping others in need is an essential part of the nursing profession, and I have experienced seeing many people with medical needs in my life. My future aims include opening a rehabilitation centre for people with mental issues, and this course has a direct link with my future ambitions.

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