Iran may Develop Relationships with Muslim Brotherhood

Iranian Desire to Develop close Relationships with Muslim Brotherhood

Iran has always been keen to develop alliances and close contacts with organizations in Middle Eastern countries under its bottom-up approach. It has got disappointed to make close relations at the government level because the US sanctions and trade restrictions have made it unable to pursue its policy to get other countries closer to it. This is the reason that it focuses on powerful organizations in the region, and the Muslim Brotherhood is one of such organizations.

The Muslim Brotherhood is one of the most influential and successful organizations in the Muslim World, which also came into power after the 2011 uprising in Egypt. Mohammad Morsi came to power in the result of elections, and he remained in power for almost one year. During the period, Iran and Egypt got closer. Iran had good relations with the Muslim Brotherhood since the Iranian revolution, but during the Morsi government of Egypt, these relations became very strong. Despite good relations of Iran with the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran was not able to have diplomatic ties with Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood was a Sunni organization which preferred Saudi Arabia and other regional powers over Iran. It has been reported that Morsi used contacts with Iran as a tool to bargain with Saudi Arabia. Iran realized this fact, but it never expressed anger over this policy of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran is continuously trying to invest in the Muslim Brotherhood when the organization is under crisis since the removal of Morsi from the government.

Iran had close ties with the International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the international body of the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran has taken the organization as a tool to convey a message to the world that it does not support sectarianism, but it is the representative of Sunni and Shia Muslims. Events like the Islamic Unity Forums are used by Iran as a tactic to get the organization closer. Since the removal of the Morsi government in Egypt, things have changed very much. The Muslim Brotherhood was facing crisis and negative circumstances badly, and it found a new friend in the region, i.e., Turkey. Iran continued to develop relations with the organization, and it was made sure that Turkey did not take against it. Iran has been offering scholarships to the organization, and it has been inviting them to conferences in Iran. Muslim Brotherhood praises these steps by Iran, but it also considers that Iran lacks the influence to help it in this critical situation.

Iran’s friendly strategy for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt makes it clear that the country is not disappointed and its eyes on building relations with organizations within countries. This policy is in line with its approach to use proxies in different countries in the Middle East. Until now, the Muslim Brotherhood has not entered in the camp of Iran fully, but it considers it favorable when there is not any ally in the organization. Turkey influences the Muslim Brotherhood, but Iran’s aim is only to extend its influence across the Middle East. It only sees the Muslim Brotherhood as a tool to enter Egypt and to be representative of Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is needed to keep track of efforts by Iran because its bottom-up approach has already spoiled the peaceful atmosphere in the region.

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