Customer Service Improvement with the Help of Zoom Meeting

How Could Customer Service Be Improved with the Help of Zoom Conferences?

The pandemic has urged people to start working remotely. Emails and phone calls were the easiest and most accessible services for remote workers before the intervention of Covid-19. However, the lockdown urged to find a way for virtual meetings and interpersonal conferences. California based tech-corporation introduced ‘zoom’ to overcome the shortcomings of prevalent video conferencing tools. Since then, Zoom Meetings, Zoom Rooms, and Zoom Phone services have helped to improve the collaboration and communication experience of its customers. Zoom users are based on diverse businesses and activities. They include business entrepreneurs, teachers, students, remote-job workers, and so on. Zoom enabled customers to create a virtual meeting experience with greater accessibility, enhanced customer facility, and foster credibility and trust among the customers.

Cultivating the customer experience

Market entrepreneurs often prefer face-to-face meetings to audio calls. The obvious reason is that it allows people to read and express nonverbal cues which helps in the growth of their businesses and customer interaction. This feature makes the customer feel that the agent is present right before him. Resultantly, it cultivates the customer experience in remote work and support.

Resolution of complex problems

Fast resolution is the leading aspect of improving customer support. While the other means of emails or audio/video calls extend resolution time and linger on the matters. Zoom has introduced conferences to mitigate this issue. More complicated matters are difficult to resolve in emails and chats; hence, zoom provides screen sharing experience to address customers’ inquiries.

Calm and economical plans

In the past, video conferencing was not easy to afford for many people. Some platforms even required conferencing licenses to allow conferences. The set-up of meetings was complicated and expensive. Resultantly, people adhere to the use of archaic methods like emails or audio calls to conduct their businesses. Zoom account holders can schedule their meetings and conferences in an incredibly easy way.

Improved customer support with call recording feature

This feature of call recording allows the customers to get a better experience. As we know, video conferences or live chats are valuable to convey a complete message to the listener, call recording feature helps to save it for future use. It specifically helps customers who are learning and undergoing training programs. Customers can watch out for real-life customer support scenarios by playing videos rather than practicing trial-and-error. Nevertheless, they can enhance the quality of customer support.

Seamless transition to video

Zoom provides another feature of the transition from an audio to a video call or vice versa. People sometimes are shy to switch to video calls and they prefer audio over video. Zoom has brought a cultural change by giving both options at the same time. This choice of transition between an audio conference and a video conference enables users to experience improved customer service.

Personalize onboarding experiences

Onboarding video calls helps the users to engage customers via video meetups. This feature allows both the users to get acquainted with each other. Furthermore, it helps to build mutual trust for their future endeavors. The sort and pace of progress were not available before the advent of zoom conferencing. This feature allows customers to experience personalized onboarding with zoom.

Zoom Rooms’ comfort of use

Zoom rooms in action provide a platform for a customer to get engaged and benefit from it. This feature has enabled us to overcome the shortcomings of working in a remote environment. By pressing a simple button, one can enter the room. Thereby, zoom rooms have provided easy access to learning, growing, and profitable zoom rooms.

Call and video eminence

Zoom has been able to provide excellent quality audio and video calls. It does not require a high bandwidth connection, instead it works perfectly on a regular internet connection. More enhanced quality of zoom audio and video calls can greatly enhance the customer services experience with zoom conferencing.

A controlling administrative dashboard

Zoom has enabled users to resolve their problems via the administrative dashboard. This feature has enabled the manager to detect the problem surfaced during the conference. The dashboard helps to identify the root cause of the problem. Therefore, users experience friendly and effective customer service provided by zoom.

Child’s play’ user management

Zoom provides an excellent, reliable, and user-friendly environment to its customers. Business ventures can benefit from this service as it is easy to use. There is no rocket science in the functioning of zoom. The user can set a call or conference without any external help. IT experts are not needed to set up a zoom video conference. This feature enhanced the reliability and usage of zoom conferencing.

Temporary Unmute

Zoom provides an option to mute the call while at a conference. This feature helps to avoid noise and unnecessary sounds to disturb others. On the other hand, muting repeatedly while giving short answers is inconvenient. By holding the spacebar, you are allowed to speak again. This feature helps customers to use zoom conferencing more efficiently.

Internet Connection

Wired connections provide more efficient running of the internet as compared to the wireless connection. Apple laptops need to turn off the Wi-Fi to use a wired connection. Therefore, using a wired connection can enhance the customer service experience with zoom.

Zoom’s Integration with Google Calendar

Zoom boosted the customer service experience with the feature of integration of zoom with the calendar. This feature allows the user to schedule, create or add a zoom meeting to the calendar event. This helps the user to organize itself. In this way, it can contribute to the timesaving of the customer.


Overall, it may be said that zoom has bought several features that allow the customer to experience better conferencing and video calling. Zoom has provided immense opportunities for business and growth around the globe. Zoom creators are bringing more revolutionized features to improve customer services with zoom conferencing.

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