Vehicle Maintenance Facility Case Study

PROJ 6002: Project Planning and Budgeting-Part B – Scope and Time Management Plans: Vehicle Maintenance Facility Case Study


Conducting the project process is a big challenge for project management, especially when it comes to construction and servicing.  However, all complexities or issues are to be eliminated or reduced by coming up with adequate scope and time management plans. In this section of the project description, the main elements are project goals and objectives, project scope statement, work break down structure, and project scheduled. Work breaks down structure and project schedule will be elaborated briefly. Finally, some conclusive statements will be stated.

Project Goals and Objectives

This project management process is associated with several goals and objectives. For Instance, the goal of the project is to establish a high quality “vehicle maintenance facility” in the city, which can meet needs transporters or drivers. Apart from this primary goal, multiple objectives are below.

  • The objective of the corporate “vehicle maintenance facility” project is to solve vehicle problems by using appropriate tools and equipment.
  • The objective of the project is to sustain corporate transportation in the city and provide excellent services accordingly.
  • The objective of the project is to maintain a better relationship with corporate clients by providing high-quality maintenance services.
  • The objective of the project is to establish a differentiated maintenance facility, which is not experienced by corporate clients.
  • The objective of this project is to be relevant and lucrative in the vehicle maintenance market.
  • The objective of the project is to keep the cost low, as far as the limited financial capital is concerned. Completing the project on time is also one of the critical priorities, and project management is quite aware of it.

Project Scope Statement

Project Name Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Project Sponsor  
Date of Approval  


Scope Description

The vehicle maintenance facility is to be established to facilitate corporate vehicles in terms of servicing and repairing. There is a fixed scope arrangement between the owner and the general contractor. Project management aims to invest in vehicle servicing and training classes for people. Thus, the project is to be completed to provide excellent vehicle maintenance services and train people to learn different technical skills. Corporations will be facilitated in this area, as drivers can get what they want to sustain the transportation process.

Project Deliverables

·         Vehicle Services

·         Affordable Prices

·         Training Facilities



Acceptance Criteria

The project is to be accepted, as it is based on customer satisfaction. The project acceptance has been conducted through surveys, as corporations always need a facility for vehicle repairing with all essential tools and equipment. Of course, the company or project management is expecting customer satisfaction, and it justifies the project acceptance.
Constraints The financial limits can be one of the most significant obstacles, as it may lead to limited maintenance services initially. Besides, the project may lack skillful or experienced people to ensure quality and standards.
Assumptions The whole project team is available to conduct work breakdown structure activities to complete the project on time.


Interestingly, the project scope statement is associated with project goals and objectives. The illustration of different project goals and objectives has set the foundation to design a scope statement. Now, in this particular project process, the scope statement must be shared or communicated with all key stakeholders. The scope statement indicates the description, project deliverables, acceptance criteria, constraints, and assumptions. For Instance, in the scope description, it has been revealed how corporate vehicles can get benefits from this differentiated facility. The scope description is linked with the purpose of the project.

The project deliverable acknowledges that the maintenance facility will deal with different types of vehicles. The project management understands the need for repairing services in the city, and the industrial zone will benefit in this regard. Apart from it, it seems imperative to portray that the maintenance facility will provide training for people to enhance the visibility of skills. These are key project deliverable, which justifies the needs and benefits of the project. In the project scope statement, the acceptance criteria seem critical. For Instance, the main aim of project management is to maintain the quality and standards when repairing or maintaining the car.

Of course, if the company manages to maintain these standards and quality, the project will be generally accepted. However, to achieve this purpose, the project management team has to shape some key quality measures. The project must evolve with the passage of time to meet the needs of clients in this proposed facility. In short, the most important thing is to make the service facility relevant to clients, and it is one of the critical factors in terms of acceptance. Financial constraints must be evaluated to avoid possible uncertainties. For Instance, limited financial capital and skills of people may create hurdles. However, early identification of these constraints can help to contain a smooth project process. The project assumption is that skillful people are always available to enhance the visibility of car service (Moustafaev, 2014).

Work Breakdown Structure

The work breakdown structure is to be conducted by the project management to enable a good flow of the project. The main project activities are initiation, control, planning, execution, and costing. In the project initiation, several activities are in the limelight. For Instance, these activities or phases are objectives, scope statement, project management roles, and responsibilities, mobilizing general condition items, and bonds, and permits. The project management has recognized these activities, which are required at the initial stage. For example, mobilizing general conditions is the best way at the initial step to set the ground or foundation for further project activities. It is a fact that bonds and permits are better to secure the project process in the future (Wuttke & Zandhuis, 2015).

In the control phase, different critical activities are identifying the task, identifying resources, clear and grub site, rough grade site, and install storm drains. The most important thing for project management is to take control of the project and conditions to plan further activities. It can be asserted that the control phase is triggered by the planning process, which also contains multiple activities. In the planning phase, several activities are resource-planning, foundation, developing deliverables, and estimating cost. The planning phase seems critical, as it can help to recognize or understand the project feasibility in terms of financial capital and project requirement.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Vehicle Maintenance Facility-Work Breakdown Structure

The execution phase is essential, as all activities are to be conducted to complete the project. The main activities are structure and envelop interior office areas, service bays, and final site work. It can be stated that the execution phase completes all work. Finally, in the project closing phase, testing and balancing the AC system, final clean up, final inspection, certificate of occupancy, and completion are primary activities. Work break down structure is well designed above to understand the flow of these activities (Heldman & Mangano, 2009).

Project Schedule (Gantt chart)

Project Schedule

Project Schedule Gantt chart 

This comprehensive Gantt chart reveals the schedule of all critical activities. It is a long project, as this maintenance facility will take time to be completed. Main tasks, which are included in the project schedule, are project management, initial site work, foundation, structure & envelop, interior office areas, service bays, final site work, and project closeout. Table and Gantt chart are illustrated with a proper period of every activity (Hill, 2015).

Network Diagram

Network Diagram

The network diagram is also visible, as it depicts the relationship between different tasks or activities. For Instance, the initial task or activity is project management, and it is related to the initial site work. The project management has to contain the proper documentation for initial site work and set the foundation accordingly. Interior office areas service bay, structure, and envelope and final site work are further activities, which are interrelated with each other. The network diagram shows how the completion of each task or activity is linked with the initiation of different tasks and activities (Furia, 2008).


In the end, it is to conclude that the project scope and time management plans are always critical for project management. In this comprehensive planning document, several goals and objectives are illustrated, which set the ground for scope management. An extensive work breaks down structure and Gantt chart is presented to understand the time required for each task or activity. Finally, a network diagram is also shaped to understand the relationship between activities. Now, project management must stimulate its capacity to conduct activities according to plans, and it is one of the best ways to gain and sustain success.


Furia, G. L. (2008). Project Management Recipes for Success. CRC Press.

Heldman, K., & Mangano, V. (2009). PMP Project Management Professional Exam Review Guide. John Wiley & Sons.

Hill, I. (2015). Start-Up: A Practice Based Guide For New Venture Creation. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Moustafaev, J. (2014). Project Scope Management: A Practical Guide to Requirements for Engineering, Product, Construction, IT and Enterprise Projects. CRC Press.

Wuttke, T., & Zandhuis, A. (2015). A pocket companion to PMI’s PMBOK Guide Fifth edition. Van Haren.

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