Scope and Time Management Plans: Vehicle Maintenance Facility


Every project is to be completed on time, as it can justify the efficient planning and better execution of different strategies. A scope and time management plan is indispensable for any project, as it sets the direction or provides a roadmap for project management to achieve its objectives effectively. The scope and time management plan will be shaped for the vehicle maintenance facility. Interestingly, there are multiple steps in the scope and time management planning process. For instance, the management first has to shape some project goals and objectives, along with the scope statement. Apart from it, the comprehensive work break down structure will be shaped and explained, as it will paint each project activity appropriately. In the next step, the project schedule will be created. Eventually, the process of the project will be demonstrated through a network diagram. These are critical parts of the scope and time management plan for this particular project.

Project Goals and Objectives

The indispensable part of the project is the development of goals and objectives. These goals and objectives are to be developed and communicated to all key stakeholders. The main goal of this project is to establish a facility for vehicle maintenance. Meeting the needs and wants of drivers or transport is perpetually decisive, and this project can fulfill it.

  • One of the main objectives of this particular project is to identify issues with vehicles and offer maintenance services to drivers and transporters.
  • Another critical objective of the project is to contribute to the development of eco-friendly transportation in the urban area by providing incredible maintenance services.
  • The most important thing for the company is to establish long-term relationships with transporters, as it can become one of the primary revenue sources.
  • The project management strives to represent a differentiated maintenance facility, as it can assist in changing the service experience.
  • The company wants to increase its market share in the maintenance or service market, as gaining and sustaining profitability is one of the main priorities.

Project Scope Statement

Project Name Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Project Sponsor  
Date of Approval  


Scope Description

This particular project’s scope is quite visible as the project wants to offer or provide differentiated services to corporate clients. By adopting and executing the fixed scope arrangement, the relationship between general contractors and transporters will be built and sustained Apart from incredible services for corporate carriers; the project also aims to train these stakeholders to know or understand the technical skills. Training sessions for these stakeholders are also included in the scope. Sequentially, the scope describes the possible contributions of the project to contribute to a better transportation process.

Project Deliverables

·         Vehicle maintenance services

·         Cheaper Rates

·         Training Sessions



Acceptance Criteria

One of the main intentions of project management is to make the project generally accepted. Due to differentiated maintenance services for transporters, the project will drive customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can also be used as a critical measure to evaluate the project’s success and acceptance.
Constraints The project management will face some financial constraint. Due to limed financial resources, some activities may be delayed. Apart from it, it will be tough for project management to sustain high-quality services due to the lack of skilled and experienced people in the facility initially.
Assumptions  All project activities are to be completed with stakeholders, as WBS activities are to be conducted by different people working in this project.


This project’s scope statement seems appealing to all stakeholders, including project managers and people working at the bottom-line (McGhee & McAliney, 2007). The description of the project scope portrays the purpose of the objective of the project. It can be affirmed that the objectives mentioned above can be verified through the scope statement. In the scope statement, project management explains what it wants to do and achieve. Consequently, the role of the administration can be justified by communicating the scope to stakeholders. The scope statement also describes the acceptance criteria. Customer satisfaction is a crucial measure that can be used to evaluate success and acceptance. In short, the project must be generally accepted by transporters, as high quality and differentiated services are integral factors in this context. The scope statement also defines the needs and wants of drivers or carriers. Making the facility relevant and compelling for these stakeholders is essential to get expected returns in the end. Additionally, the project manager must be aware of some financial constraints mentioned in the project scope statement. Due to a lack of adequate financial resources and a lack of skills, the project process may struggle initially. Some assumptions must be streamlined to make the project successful and profitable at the initial stage. For instance, all people must be prepared in terms of roles and responsibilities to perform activities or tasks (Stackpole, 2013).

Work Breakdown Structure

Work break down structure is a fundamental process of the project management process. In the vehicle maintenance facility project, there is a need to make a good flow of different tasks and activities. The work break down structure will cover all necessary actions which are to be conducted or completed by stakeholders. The main phases of the project are initiation, control, planning, execution, and closeout. These main phases will contain further sub-activities, which are to be depicted in the work break down structure.

Vehicle Maintenance Facility

Each activity is interrelated with other activities or phases. For instance, general conditions regarding the project are to be assessed in the initiation phase as it can set the foundation for different tasks or activities in the next steps (Heldman & Mangano, 2009).

WBS depicts a systemic flow of project activities. The illustration of activities or phases in the vehicle maintenance facility project is below, along with the necessary illustration. In the initiation phase, goals and objectives, scope statement, and mobilization of general conditions are critical steps. In the planning process, which is a vital part of the project, several activities such as resource planning and development, deliverables, and cost estimation are crucial activities. In the control phase, several tasks, such as task identification, resource allocation, grub site. Rough grade site and installing storm drains are in the spotlight. In the execution phase, the project manager can set the foundation to execute all key activities. The main activities in the execution phase are enveloping interior areas, establishing serve bays, and completing the final site work. Subsequently, in the last stage of the project, the testing procedure will be run. Clean up, inspection, occupation certification are some mandatory tasks. It can be affirmed that the work break down structure is well directed, as all activities are placed in an order (Miller, 2008).

Project Schedule (Gantt chart)

Tasks Start Date End Date Duration
Project Management 1-Apr-20 15-Apr-20 15
Initial Site Work 16-Apr-20 3-May-20 18
Foundation 4-May-20 17-Jul-20 75
Structure and Envelope 18-Jul-20 14-Oct-20 89
Interiors – Office Area 15-Oct-20 26-Jan-21 114
Service Bays 27-Jan-21 25-Mar-21 59
Final Site Work 26-Mar-21 25-May-21 61
Project Closeout 26-May-21 16-Jun-21 22


This project’s main tasks are project management, initial site work, foundation, structure and envelope, interiors office area, service bays, final site work, and project closeout. The project management estimated a certain time based on the needs and requirements of each activity or task. The project efficiency can be measured through this timeline, as all project activities are to be completed within the given time

Gantt chart Vehicle Maintenance Facility

This extensive Gantt chart shows the time management plan. Based on the number of days for each activity, this chart has been created. Any change in the project statement, illustrated above, will create an impact on this time management plan.

Network Diagram

Network Diagram Vehicle Maintenance Facility

The network diagram shows the connection between different project activities. For instance, project management activity is interrelated to initial site work, as it can set the foundation to complete other activities. The foundation of the project will lead to structure and envelop. On the other hand, project management will also direct the development of the interior office area. This activity is interrelated with serve bays development and final site work. Lastly, after completing all these activities, the project will be closed. Each task depends on each other as any change or disruption in these tasks will create an impact on the project closeout (Furia, 2008).


In the end, it is to presume that the project management process, particularly vehicle maintenance facility, is a complicated project. Scope and time management plan is mandatory to get things according to plan and expectations. After illustrating the goals and objectives of this project, the scope statement is shown. After the scope statement, a comprehensive work break down structure is designed along with the necessary elaboration. After creating the work breakdown structure, the Gantt chart is designed to show the timeline. Finally, through the network diagram, the connection or relationship between tasks or activities is exhibited. The role of scope and time management is essential, and it can create an impact on project outcomes.


Furia, G. L. (2008). Project Management Recipes for Success. CRC Press.

Heldman, K., & Mangano, V. (2009). PMP Project Management Professional Exam Review Guide. John Wiley & Sons.

McGhee, P., & McAliney, P. (2007). Painless Project Management: A Step-by-Step Guide for Planning, Executing, and Managing Projects. John Wiley & Sons.

Miller, D. P. (2008). Building a Project Work Breakdown Structure: Visualizing Objectives, Deliverables, Activities, and Schedules. CRC Press.

Stackpole, C. S. (2013). A Project Manager’s Book of Forms: A Companion to the PMBOK Guide. John Wiley & Sons.

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