Role of Branding on Hotel Culture-Chapter 4 Data Analysis

Role of Branding on Hotel Culture and its Effects on Orientation and Coaching Process in the Hotel Industry, Empirical Study of Five Star Hotel in Northern Cyprus.

Dissertation-Chapter 1 Data Analysis 

4.1 Introduction

This chapter was directed to examine the suggested hypotheses.  This chapter is comprised of five sections. The first section encompassed data screening processes; including missing data treatment, normality and outliers’ examination, and nonresponse bias and common method bias assessment. The second section described the data analysis method used in this study. The third section included the measurement and structural models’ assessment, and hypotheses testing. The last section summarized the chapter.

4.2 Data screening

Data screening refers to a set of procedures that should be executed before estimating parameters on data and testing hypotheses (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2010). The main purpose of such activities is to ensure the readiness of data for further analysis (usually regression). An elementary step is to ensure that no coding errors have been made during data entry. Missing data identification and treatment are also necessary steps.  Equally important is to examine for outliers and normal distribution of measures. A detailed description for each of these procedures is provided in the next sub-sections.

4.2.1        Data Entry Errors and Missing Data

 Many errors might be made during data entry by mistake. This stage was designed to examine for data entry errors. This study examined this issue by inspecting if there are values out of a five-point Likert scale. The descriptive statistics showed that no value was out of the five-point Likert scale. Thus, it can be concluded that there were no errors during data entry. However, missing data is also a vital issue for regression analysis. According to rules of thumb, minor missing data can be replaced by mean or median; meanwhile serious missing data should be eliminated from the analysis (Hair et al., 2010). This study identified 33 questionnaires that suffered from seriously missing data. Thus, they were excluded from the analysis.  Consequentially, all responses were completed and valid for further analysis.

  • Normality of Data Distribution.

Data distribution is a precondition for many statistical tests. Substantial departures from normal data distribution may distort the results of the multivariate analysis (Hair et al., 2010). Gefen, Rigdon, and Straub (2011) advocated the use of skewness and kurtosis measures to assess the normality of data distribution. According to the rule of thumb, skewness and kurtosis should be in the range of “+/− 2” as to demonstrate that the data distribution is not violating the normality assumption (Hair et al., 2010).  This study examined the skewness and kurtosis of the individual items included in our data set. Table 4.1 showed that none of the items had skewness and kurtosis values outside the range “+/− 2”, indicating that our dataset met the normality assumption.

Table 4. 1: Descriptive Statistics of Skewness and Kurtosis

Items  Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
a1 -1.089 .124 .707 .247
a2 -.911 .124 .119 .247
a3 -.918 .124 -.416 .247
a4 -.711 .124 -.600 .247
a5 -.732 .124 -.875 .247
a6 -.641 .124 -.907 .247
a7 -.374 .124 -1.260 .247
a8 -.764 .124 -.720 .247
b1 -.736 .124 .491 .247
b2 -1.087 .124 .033 .247
b3 -1.039 .124 .216 .247
b4 -1.209 .124 .780 .247
b5 -1.087 .124 .506 .247
b6 -.898 .124 .248 .247
b7 -.599 .124 -1.245 .247
b8 -.760 .124 .261 .247
b9 -.634 .124 -.900 .247
c1 -.821 .124 -.320 .247
c2 -1.121 .124 .600 .247
c3 -.782 .124 .012 .247
c4 -.887 .124 -.405 .247
c5 -.897 .124 -.497 .247
c6 -.800 .124 -.661 .247
c7 -.782 .124 .012 .247
d1 -1.014 .124 .483 .247
d2 -.941 .124 .045 .247
d3 -.911 .124 .128 .247
d4 -.807 .124 -.298 .247
d5 -.724 .124 .368 .247
d6 -.715 .124 .450 .247
d7 -1.191 .124 1.265 .247
d8 -.770 .124 .473 .247
d9 -1.034 .124 .635 .247
d10 -.856 .124 -.245 .247
d11 -1.026 .124 .260 .247
d12 -.903 .124 -.146 .247


4.2.3        Outliers’ detection

Outliers are defined as a set of observations that far-off from other observations in a random sample from a population (Hair et al., 2010). Outliers distort the results of multivariate analysis and increase estimation errors, and thus outliers should be eliminated. Outliers can be determined by measuring the extent to which a particular observation in a data set is far away from the normal distribution of the sample (Hair et al., 2010).   In order to identify outliers in a data set, Hair et al. (2010) advocated the use standardized score which has zero mean and one standard deviation for each observation. Standardized score with a value above 3.5 indicates a potential outlier (Iglewicz & Hoaglin, 1993). In this study, the researcher estimated the standardized values (or Z scores) for each item in the model. Results in table 4.2 showed that none of the observations had a Z value above 3.5. Therefore, the author can conclude that the data set is free from outliers.

Table 4. 2: standardized scores

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic
Zscore(a1) -3.03047 .93501 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(a2) -3.08910 .96338 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(a3) -2.49196 .85661 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(a4) -2.20818 1.07546 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(a5) -2.16004 .90200 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(a6) -2.22705 1.01610 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(a7) -2.05292 1.13776 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(a8) -2.24423 .94299 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b1) -3.08217 1.22786 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b2) -2.80092 .81227 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b3) -2.60364 .92873 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b4) -2.97038 .87422 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b5) -2.73041 .93858 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b6) -2.82839 1.09838 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b7) -1.78245 .90424 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b8) -2.81204 1.20738 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(b9) -1.99500 1.00040 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(c1) -2.42782 .97332 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(c2) -2.86919 .95640 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(c3) -2.66539 1.13740 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(c4) -2.31015 .92908 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(c5) -2.17766 .88134 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(c6) -2.02296 .94532 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(c7) -2.66539 1.13740 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d1) -2.87896 .96960 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d2) -2.67707 .98380 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d3) -2.80990 1.00230 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d4) -2.54524 1.03661 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d5) -2.97909 1.21330 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d6) -2.94040 1.28591 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d7) -3.00341 1.02892 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d8) -3.50264 1.20403 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d9) -2.81209 1.02663 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d10) -2.52628 1.01922 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d11) -2.69083 .99537 .0000000 1.00000000
Zscore(d12) -2.56438 .98948 .0000000 1.00000000


4.2.4        Non-response bias

Non-response bias is a critical threat in survey investigations and might endanger the empirical results (Armstrong & Overton, 1977).  Nonresponse bias refers to the bias that outcomes when respondents differ in significant ways from non-respondents. The convenient way to assess such bias is to compare the characteristics of early respondents with late respondents. Late respondents are usually used as reprehensive for non-respondents (Armstrong & Overton, 1977; Hair et al., 2010).  In line with this tradition, this study performed the independent sample t-test to compare the key measures between the early and late respondents.  Results in table 4.3 indicated that the observed measures including Brand, Hotel Culture, Orientation, and Coaching of the late respondents were not significantly different from those of the early respondents. Accordingly, no significant non-response bias existed in the data set.

Table 4. 3: the independent sample t-test for the key measures

Variables t-test for Equality of Means
t Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference
Brand -.154 58 .878 -.02500 .16205
Hotel Culture -1.718 58 .091 -.22593 .13150
Orientation -1.838 58 .071 -.26667 .14506
Coaching -.123 58 .903 -.01667 .13599

4.2.5        Common method bias

Since this study collected perceptual data which is collected from a single source, the data might be susceptible to systematic biases due to the instrument used (Fuller, Simmering, Atinc, Atinc, & Babin, 2016). This issue refers to common method bias (CMB). The conventional approach to examine this issue is Harman’s one-factor test. The primary reasoning in this test is that if responses are systematically biased by a common scaling, then one factor would comprise most of the observed variance in all observed variables (Jarvis, MacKenzie, & Podsakoff, 2003; Podsakoff & Organ, 1986). This study performed a Principal Component Analysis to inspect if a one-factor accounts for most of the observed variance. The result indicated that no single factor accounted for the majority of the variance. This finding provides empirical evidence that CMB is not an issue for this study.

4.2.6        Multicollinearity assessment

Multicollinearity is a critical threat in a multiple regression and would mistakenly inflate path coefficients and provide exaggerated t-values. Multicollinearity refers to a situation in which one independent variable in a model can be linearly predicted from the other variable(s) with a considerable degree of accuracy. This study examined for multicollinearity by estimating the well-known criterion namely the variance inflation factors (VIF) (Hair et al., 2010; Henseler & Chin, 2010).  Table 4.4 should the result of VIFs’ estimation. The results indicated that the highest variation inflation factor in the research model was less than 1.62, indicating that the regression estimates will not likely suffer from multicollinearity bias.

4.3 Data analysis

This section provided a detailed description of data analysis-related subjects. These included data analysis procedures, assessment of the measurement model, assessment of the structural model, and testing the suggested hypotheses. The last section summarised the data analysis section. As mentioned earlier, the method of analysis in this study is PLS-SEM. It allows for multi-layers of equations to be examined simultaneously alongside measurement.  This study followed the succeeding procedures to analysis the data using PLS-SEM as suggested by Hair et al. (2011a). First, the author assessed the psychometric properties of the measurement model as recommended by the rule of thumb (Hair et al., 2011a).  Both reliability and validity of the measurements were examined at this phase. Second, the author assessed the quality of the structural model and tested the suggested hypotheses.  The hypotheses were assessed by estimating the direct effect and indirect effect between the covariates.

4.3.1        Measurement model assessment

The measurement model was examined by analysing its internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity. As for internal consistency, the composite reliability of each construct in the model was estimated and a value of 0.70 and above is recommended (Hair et al., 2011a). Table 4.4 showed that the values of composite reliability ranged between 0.78 for Branding and 0.84 for Coaching, demonstrating an adequate level of internal consistency. Average variance extracted (AVE) and item loadings in order to examine the convergent validity (Hair et al., 2011a). Theoretically, convergent validity is attained when each construct accounts for at least half of the variance in its items. In addition, items loading should be 0.6 and above indicating that a great amount of the variance in each item is accounted for by its latent variable (Hair et al., 2011a). we dropped all the items that had a loading value of less than 0.6.  Table 4.4 showed that the item loadings were well above the threshold of 0.6. In addition, AVE values ranged between 0.504 for Orientation and 0.57 for culture, indicating a satisfactory convergent validity.

Table 4. 4 Constructs reliability and convergent validity

Construct Composite Reliability  AVE Item Loading
Brand 0.7805 0.543 a4 0.7843
a5 0.6988
a6 0.7248
Culture 0.8023 0.5759 b2 0.7702
b5 0.8069
b6 0.6953
Orientation 0.8018 0.5046 c1 0.7054
c4 0.6164
c5 0.7815
c6 0.728
Coaching 0.8432 0.5184 d1 0.6805
d3 0.7461
d9 0.7332
d10 0.7316
d12 0.7069


As for discriminant validity, the square root of the AVE was estimated (Fornell & Larcker, 1981) and items cross-loading (Sarstedt, Ringle, Smith, Reams, & Hair, 2014). A construct exhibits discriminant validity if the square root of the AVE is higher than the correlation with other latent constructs (Fornell & Larcker, 1981); which is the case of all the constructs in the measurement model (see table 4.5). In addition, items loading should be higher on their postulated construct than any other constructs. Items cross-loading analysis, in table 4.6, showed that each item had a higher loading value on their postulated construct than any other constructs in the model. The results above show a great deal of discrimination validity.

Table 4. 5: Discriminant validity-AVE Squared correlations

Construct Orientation Brand Culture Coaching
Orientation 0.5046
Brand 0.2886 0.543
Culture 0.1731 0.2716 0.5759
Coaching 0.3285 0.2593 0.2531 0.5184

Squared correlations, AVE in the diagonal.

Table 4. 6: Discriminant validity- Items Cross loading

Item Brand Culture Orientation Coaching
a4 0.7843 0.3445 0.4344 0.4087
a5 0.6988 0.3949 0.4373 0.3744
a6 0.7248 0.4149 0.3038 0.3374
b2 0.339 0.7702 0.3592 0.3996
b5 0.4909 0.8069 0.3346 0.3837
b6 0.3441 0.6953 0.2468 0.3641
c1 0.3998 0.3449 0.7054 0.3208
c4 0.3697 0.2057 0.6164 0.4722
c5 0.3484 0.3368 0.7815 0.3768
c6 0.4059 0.2796 0.728 0.4753
d1 0.2505 0.2851 0.4683 0.6805
d3 0.3841 0.3697 0.3947 0.7461
d9 0.3332 0.39 0.3916 0.7332
d10 0.3545 0.312 0.3816 0.7316
d12 0.4613 0.4202 0.4378 0.7069


4.3.2        Structural model assessment

Next, the R-square value and path coefficients along with their t-statics and standard errors were estimated to assess the structural model and test the proposed hypotheses. The R-square value shows the predictive ability of the model and the ability of exogenous constructs to explain the endogenous constructs (Hair et al., 2014a). The results of the structural model estimate are presented in table 4.7 and depicted in figure 1. The results show that the model explains 27%, 31%, and 33% of the variance in Culture, Orientation, and Coaching, respectively. These figures show an adequate predictive power in the suggested model (Hair et al., 2014a). The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between branding and hotel culture (Path coefficient= 0.521, p< 0.000) as stated by H1. Thus, hypothesis H1 was accepted. The results also show that Branding had a positive and significant effect on both employees coaching (Path coefficient= 0.339, p< 0.000) and employees’ orientation (Path coefficient= 0.440, p< 0.000). Therefore, hypotheses H2 and H3 were empirically supported. Similarly, hotel culture had a positive and significant effect on both employees coaching (Path coefficient= 0.326, p< 0.000) and employees’ orientation (Path coefficient= 0.187, p< 0.01) as stated in the hypotheses H5 and H6. Accordingly, hypotheses H5 and H6 were empirically accepted.

Table 6: Path coefficients bootstrapping estimates (Direct effects)

Effect Path coefficient Standard bootstrap results
Standard error t-value p-value (2-sided) p-value (1-sided)
Brand -> Orientation 0.4398 0.0577 7.6208 0.000 0.000
Brand -> Culture 0.5211 0.0497 10.4934 0.000 0.000
Brand -> Coaching 0.3392 0.0525 6.4647 0.000 0.000
Culture -> Orientation 0.1869 0.0695 2.689 0.0073 0.0036
Culture -> Coaching 0.3263 0.0664 4.9113 0.000 0.000


Estimate of the structural model

Figure 1: the estimate of the structural model

With regard to hypotheses H7 and H8 that proposed hotel culture as a mediator between branding and each of coaching and orientation, the author estimated the significance of the indirect effects between branding and each of coaching and orientation, as recommend by Nitzl et al., (2016) and Preacher and Hayes (2008).  The author also estimated the Bootstrap Confidence intervals as a further test to examine the significance of the indirect effects (Nitzl et al., 2016; Preacher & Hayes, 2008). Table 4.7 showed the PLS estimate of the indirect effects. The results indicate that the indirect effect between branding and employees coaching was positive and significant (Path coefficient= 0.170, p< 0.000). Likewise, the indirect effect between branding and employees coaching was positive and significant (Path coefficient= 0.097, p< 0.01). In addition, none of the Bootstrap Confidence intervals of both indirect effects includes zero. These figures provide a strong empirical support for H7 and H8.

Table 4. 7: Path coefficients bootstrapping estimates (Indirect effects)

Effect Path coefficient Standard bootstrap results Bootstrap Confidence intervals
Standard error t-value p-value (2-sided) p-value (1-sided) 0.50% 2.50% 97.50% 99.50%
Brand -> Orientation 0.0974 0.0371 2.6242 0.0088 0.0044 0.0118 0.0294 0.1698 0.1985
Brand -> Coaching 0.1701 0.0405 4.1958 0.000 0.000 0.0793 0.0985 0.2529 0.2874


Overall, we conducted several analyses to examine the proposed model.  The measurement model expressed a satisfactory level of reliability, and convergent and discriminant validity. The structural analysis provided empirical support for the suggested hypotheses. Table 4.8 summarized the result of hypotheses testing.

Table 4. 8: summary of hypotheses testing

 No. Hypotheses Result
H1 There is statistical significance influence of branding on hotel culture. Accepted
H2 There is positive statistical significance influence of branding on hotel’s employees’ orientation. Accepted
H3 There is positive statistical significance influence of branding on hotel’s employees’ coaching. Accepted
H4 There is positive statistical significance influence of hotel culture on hotel’s employees’ orientation Accepted
H5 There is positive statistical significance influence of hotel culture on hotel’s employees coaching. Accepted
H6 Hotel culture mediates the relationship between branding and orientation. Accepted
H7 Hotel culture mediates the relationship between branding and coaching. Accepted


4.4 Summary of the chapter

This chapter conducted several analyses to examine the suggested hypotheses. Several data decreeing activities confirmed that the data were suitable for regression analysis. The psychometric properties of the measurement model were examined, and the results confirmed the reliability and validity properties of the model. The results of hypotheses testing provided support for all the hypotheses. Specifically, both branding and hotel culture were important predictors for orientation and coaching.  And hotel culture was an important mediator that transformed the effect of branding on orientation and coaching. The next chapter discussed the results and their implications in detail.

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