Part B: Impact Analysis Report and Reflection

Assessment 2: Enterprise Environmental Factors Analysis

Part B: Impact Analysis Report and Reflection


The impact analysis using the case study on the library of the University of Western Australian highlights various aspects of project management. The way project management has affected the culture in the library reveals the significance of different elements of project management.

Internal and External Factors and their Impact on Project Management Processes:

In the project management processes, internal and external factors are essential. They play a crucial role in making the project a success. It has been central to the project management tools and practices that all stakeholders have to be on board. Therefore, the internal and external factors and their impact on the project management process is incomplete without stakeholder management. The case study on project management at the University of Western Australia Library reveals that the importance of stakeholders is vital. It also shows that the library had to consider internal and external factors to make the project a success. The project management processes call for involving activities that align internal and external factors. It is worth mentioning that stakeholder management is a part of the enterprise environment factor (Burke, 2013).

The project management principles for the evaluation of internal and external factors fall under the enterprise environmental factors. These factors are part of the PMBOK. These factors are abbreviated as EEF, and they affect project management processes very much. According to EEF in PMBOK, internal factors might include organizational culture, internal stakeholders, any software used within the organization, and the infrastructure. On the other hand, external factors include external stakeholders, the influence of outside of the organization culture and society, legal environment and restrictions coming out of them, and the physical environment.

In the case study, internal EEFs include library staff, students, and the university administration. The role of university administration was crucial because it has to facilitate the implementation of the project in the library. The university approved funds and availability of resources helped the achieved library projects. University had quite a high role in the success of the project because, ultimately, it is the approval body. Fund generation and approval of plans must get acceptance from the university administration.

On the other hand, the project is about the library, and its staff plays a crucial role in making the project a success. All the actions for implementation take place on the ground by the library staff because they have to implement actions. Students give rise to a meaningful impact factor because they are ultimate users and evaluate the project performance through their feedback. These internal factors have to be aligned to get the perfect outcomes from the project going on in the library.

Moreover, there were clear roles and responsibilities within the organization. For instance, the project team had the positions of the project sponsor, the project owner, the project manager, the senior users, and senior suppliers. These members contribute to the internal factors affecting the project management processes (Project Management Institute, 2017).

The hiring of trainers for training the staff regarding the project management method is also part of the internal factor because he has been training the staff for the project. University management and culture is also part of the internal factors. External factors include the social and cultural influence that has led to this change to materialize. The competitiveness and the call for efficiency are essential requirements for the project team. These factors are part of the external environment. However, project success has revealed that enterprise environmental factors play a central role in its success. Within the library, different members contributed to the success of the project. It is a practical example of how internal and external factors lead to the effectiveness of the project management processes. Stakeholders must be on board, and they come from within and outside of the organization. Knowledge transfer and culture change are possible only if there is a cohesive and integrated approach to stakeholder management. Otherwise, a project may not meet success (Moschitz, 2013).

The most prominent external factor is the need for change under the influence of outside environment. The library has been facing gaps in its performance that makes it less competitive and functional in relation to growing environmental needs. Therefore, it has to respond to these growing factors. Society, community, and legal environment make external factors that influence the project within the library.

Development of Strategies to implement the appropriate Actions:

Enterprise environmental factors, from the internal and external organizational environment, are valuable. They may present challenges and risks for any change or project management initiatives. In the given case study of project implementation, the appropriate actions revolve around making a library-wide approach that integrates it with the whole university. Several projects are underway, and they are aimed at improving the performance and activities within the library. The development of strategies is crucial because it helps in implementing project management tools and concepts. The given project has implemented strategies and actions so that the project remains on track. The case study mentions that the library of the University of Western Australia saw slow and less consistent strategy implementation. The library lacked coordination, and many projects went unaccomplished. Therefore, the library decided to opt for project management strategies to introduce change (Alhawari, 2016).

Before explaining the implementation strategies for appropriate actions, it is worth mentioning that the library decided to use the project management methodology. The decision resulted in positive outcomes for the library, and it started to achieve objectives through different projects. For achieving appropriate actions, the strategy of taking staff members’ contribution through their involvement has been an effective strategy. The involvement of staff members in the library enhanced, and they could work towards a common purpose. The strategy to use the project management method is also effective for making sure appropriate actions. In the words of Deborah A. Lauriano, one should take the project seriously, and to take the project seriously, one should take project management seriously. Building teams and training and development offered by project managers are appropriate project management strategies. The success of the project at the library was the result of understanding the role of project management.

Research suggests that a project management strategy is a good start that guides the application of concepts. It also guides the project management team to take appropriate actions. A strategy has all elements of the application by requiring steps because it adheres to the required context in the organization. The application of the project management strategies recalls this aspect where the adoption of project management strategy was at the center. The library understood that without a project management strategy, the library could not achieve its objectives. The literature on strategic management has explained the importance of strategy because it acts as a guiding path. It has different components that affect individual and organizational actions. Strategy implementation requires support and input from various stakeholders within the organization. They also exist in the outside environment of the organization. A successful strategy takes account of all stakeholders and communicates the plan with every department within the organization (Leybourne & Sainter, 2012).

Communication Plan and Outcomes to Diverse Stakeholders:

The selection of project management methodology and its implementation can be successful if there is a proper communication plan with desired outcomes for diverse stakeholders. The case study identifies some stakeholders necessary for the success of the project. They are the internal stakeholders from within the library. The university administration and students are internal stakeholders because they are within the university. Therefore, the communication plan has distributed stakeholders into two segments broadly. In the implementation of the project management concept, the importance of internal stakeholders is vital. The focus of project management has also been on internal stakeholders. Among stakeholders, the project team plays a central role in the success of the project (Sunder M., 2016).

The team comprises of the project sponsor, the project owner, the project manager, the senior users, and the senior suppliers. The communication plan between these core stakeholders is necessary. They are going to work on the project within the library so, consistent communication must be there. The frequency of meetings between them is vital to note, and a daily meeting is useful between them. They have to have close and active contact that is possible through the communication plan.

Moreover, there are many members or employees in the library, and they have to interact with each other through participation in different project teams. Continuous and direct communication between them would result in favorable outcomes. It has happened in the case study as well because many projects have achieved their objectives. The case study noted that in 2005, the library had 16 projects to complete. Although only six projects were completed on time, five others largely achieved their results. The outcome was exemplary, and it was the result of the adoption of project management strategy or methodology. Communication acts as the backbone of this project management methodology.

The university and its management make a distinguished group of stakeholders that has to be aligned with the overall project management. The communication plan has to consider the component of this external stakeholder group as well because consistent and continuous communication is necessary. The university has funded the project; therefore, the expectations and input of the university should also be part of the project. For the inclusion of the views and input from the university, the communication plan can play the central role. The outcome would be in the form of integration and warm interaction of all stakeholders. Students and society are also relevant stakeholders. In the environment of the university, students should get a high level of consideration. The Project Boards and members of them have abided by the project management strategy. They have communicated with each other’s. Collaboration and improvement in reporting were due to the communication plan of the project. All stakeholders have worked in an integrated and cooperative manner; however, the communication plan has to work effectively and practically (Noro, 2012).

One of the essential components of the communication plan is the feedback communication procedure. The library has been running 16 different projects, and these projects need communication. However, each member should get feedback, and this feedback needs to be communicated. Research confirms that communication should be two-way, which means that both participants should share information independently.

Communication plan must involve risk management, budget forecasting, and follow-up meetings. These meetings are of crucial importance to keep risks measurable and budget under planned activities. More on communication plan is in the appendix.


The impact analysis using the case study at the University of Western Australia Library states that it is essential to bring all stakeholders aligned. It requires considering all internal and external factors affecting the project management process. The library and the university have covered this aspect of the process, and in so doing, the project was a success. The importance of strategies is vital, and the adoption of project management strategies has met the success of the project. Then, there is a central role of a communication plan that integrates all stakeholders within the organization.


Reflection 1

The case study report has been a source of information and exposure because I have learned how project management practices have a practical perspective. I learned the knowledge of project management as it shapes practices. It has practical significance and application where one can develop skills around this knowledge. The course and the case study both have added to my learning. I would like to highlight the importance of how a case study can help achieve learning objectives. I learned from the case study in the library of the University of Western Australia that project management methodology has its crucial role. The project management methodology has guided the successful implementation of the project, where library staff got an interactive and collaborative environment. I learned how an organization could benefit from project management practices. I would like to mention here the role of this activity that got me the opportunity to implement project management principles (Project Management Institute, 2017).

Knowledge and skills learned through the subject have given me guidance on how they can apply in reality. I can have plenty of support and guidance through these concepts in my further study. I am studying project management, and it would keep guiding me in future studies in project management. I have found that the application of project management is not limited. The use of project management principles in the case study is only an example. However, it can be the guiding document for my future learning practices. The project methodology is the need of many organizations, and I am glad to learn it. I believe that every employee should be aware of project management principles. Thus, the subject would directly help me with the career and its requirements. The focus on stakeholders and communication indicates that everyone should be on-board, and there should not be a lack of involvement of any member of the organization. I have learned to value stakeholders and being closed to communication (Burke, 2013).

The learning experience has been pleasant and memorable because it has involved me actively. First, I have read the project management book of knowledge. It is a comprehensive book that has enriched the whole learning experience. It has guided me towards the successful completion of assignments and projects. Second, the tasks were practical. They have challenged me to learn more so that I can be competitive in my career. Case studies and their application of project management principles have been very effective. Real-life examples made it obvious to think about what project management is all about. Therefore, I would like to recommend that this learning process should continue further. I also want to make it clear that the study should be practical and assisted by real-life examples. The subject and accompanying activities have provided me with this opportunity.

In the end, I want to add that the subject has raised the importance of project management principles and practices. I can now relate them to reality, and it is a strong point of the subject.

Reflection 2

Project is an activity that differs substantially from routine business in an organization. Its time-bound and specific characteristics make it distinct. Project has its goals and objectives and the project sponsor and owner evaluate the project in light of these goals and objectives. A project can be in different stages including complete, incomplete, or in-progress. It is also possible that some projects have to be withdrawn. These aspects have enriched my perspective regarding projects and their management. It helps me learn how certain characteristics lead to making decisions about a project. Therefore, the development of understanding of projects and their management is valuable in the context of today’s business environment. Companies have to run many projects to keep things going. I learned that a project, being a time-bound activity, offers a range of possibilities to an organization. Apart from an organization, each department can decide to run a project, and it requires a proper project management procedure. This knowledge has awarded me the skills to see things from project management perspectives. If a project is inevitable for the organization, there must be project management. I have learned skills and ways to manage projects, and this is a valuable outcome of this subject (Burke, 2013).

It would benefit me in my studies, especially when I have aimed to get further studies in project management. Project management has some basic concepts, and these basic concepts develop a context. I have got the knowledge that can help me in further studies, especially practical knowledge. The subject has many cases of studies that present practical cases of real organizations. They helped me to relate studies with my career. It has plenty of benefits for my studies in the future, but it also adds value to my coming career. Every organization has projects at its center because of their importance. Understanding and knowledge about projects and their management would help me while being part of different organizations. It would enhance my competitiveness and personal capabilities. Knowledge, skills, and capabilities in project management are necessary and inevitable. This subject provides me with these practical and conceptual attributes. I feel proud to have this subject to get these benefits (Project Management Institute, 2017).

My total learning experience was excellent. I have not even thought that the experience was bad or ugly. I feel excellent. However, some areas are more beneficial. For instance, case studies and assignments were more useful than any other activity during the subject. They have helped me to imagine what could happen in my future career.  I believe that learning and knowledge should guide the future because mere studies cannot work in the long run. After saying that the learning experience was perfect, I want to make some recommendations. I wish to recommend arranging trips and tours to raise the level of exposure of students. Project management is not a static subject. Students can do so on their own by arranging visits to large organizations. They should go for casual trips to organizations in different industries. I am going to plan a one with my friends, and the inspiration is the subject we studied.

Reflection 3

I have gained knowledge through this subject. For example, I learned the value of project management. I came to know what the importance of this course is. It is due to the importance of projects as they are part of a business. When there are projects, there must be steps for their management. This subject has helped me learn this basic concept. The project is an important activity, and its management is inevitable.

Along with it, learning has included different aspects of project management. The value of communication, stakeholder management, and external factors affecting project management processes are valuable knowledge concepts learned through this subject. These concepts were not simple because they contained vast knowledge hidden within them. The knowledge has prompted my skills, which are theoretical and conceptual, yet. I developed skills on how to relate theory with practice. In so doing, I developed the skill to read between the lines. I became more critical and focused in the analysis. Because study and reading should be critical and analytical to get help in the practical field. However, at the moment, I can only imagine that learning would enrich my practice in the future because it has yet to be confirmed (Project Management Institute, 2017).

The learning and skills would help me in further study and career. They have broadened my knowledge, and I could now think out of the box. The world is the place of many possibilities and learning and knowledge open the door to possibilities. Skills help to grab opportunities from a range of possibilities. Therefore, I find it valuable and practically possible that the learning, knowledge, and skills would help me in further studies and career. I can now think of more aspects of project management that can help my research field. I can study organizations and businesses through the lens of project management. These characteristics and strengths would help me highly in further study. They would ultimately help me with a career that has practical aspects. I am glad to have the opportunity of learning through the subject because it has served the purpose of getting admission in the course (Burke, 2013).

The above opinion and each word suggest that this learning experience was good. I can now plan further studies and/or choose a career in the field of project management. Each word is the reflection of concepts and knowledge gained in the subject. The experience is valuable, and I take it as the foundation for future ambitions. Studies and academic life polish one’s conceptual and intellectual skills. The learning experience has played this role for me because I can now feel to have guiding path. I can debate and work with a person on the subject of project management effectively. It is due to this learning experience; otherwise, it might not be possible. As the last word, I want to add that learning experience should be continuous, and I believe this dynamic aspect of learning. I want to continue my learning journey, and this subject has led me with it.


Alhawari, S., 2016. Relationship among Project Management Processes and Knowledge Repository for Project Success. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 12(4), pp.16-30.

Burke, R., 2013. Project Management Techniques. 2nd ed. Burke Publishing.

Leybourne, S.A. & Sainter, P., 2012. Advancing Project Management: Authenticating the Shift from Process to “Nuanced” Project-Based Management in the Ambidextrous Organization. Project Management Journal, 43(6), pp.5-15.

Moschitz, H., 2013. From Project Management to Process Management: Effectively Organising Transdisciplinary Projects. Gaia, 22(3), pp.211-13.

Noro, G.d.B., 2012. Management Of Stakeholders in Project Management. Revista de Gestão e Projetos, 3(1), pp.127-58.

Project Management Institute, 2017. A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide). 6th ed. Newtown Square.

Sunder M., V., 2016. Lean six sigma project management – a stakeholder management perspective. TQM Journal, 28(1), pp.132-50.


Analysis of Stakeholders Management

Stakeholder management in projects acts as the backbone because it allows members of the project team to take them into confidence. It paves the way for communication between various stakeholders of the project because the familiarity of different stakeholders is at the center. Stakeholder management has some integrated steps by linking all stakeholders and their needs. The following figure can summarize these steps.

Stakeholders Management


First, stakeholder management leads to identify stakeholders. A stakeholder management matrix can be helpful. In this report, the discussion of stakeholder management reveals there are two types of stakeholders. These are external stakeholders and internal stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are part of the project team, and they are responsible for carrying out activities. External stakeholders are the ones who are going to affect or get affected by the project activities.

Identification of stakeholders leads to ascertaining and assessing their needs. It is worth documenting these needs so that fulfillment of requirements can be possible. Documentation makes the process formal, and it guides the project management team to consider the needs of each member.

After documenting needs, it is worth analyzing their influence and interest. Stakeholders with a strong impact and high interest are the most important because their support is inevitable for the success of the project. Stakeholders with low interest and strong influence are also critically important because they can affect the outcomes of the project. A similar pattern should indicate the level of influence and interest of all stakeholders.

As a result, the project team should consider the expectations of all stakeholders. Identification and analysis of their needs can help analyze the expectations of all stakeholders. Therefore, one can assess and identify their expectations, as well. It is highly recommended and necessary to take steps to fulfill the expectations of all stakeholders.

Then, it is time for a practical step where action becomes necessary. After examining the expectations of all stakeholders, it is worth taking steps to come up with these expectations. It is not an easy task because this step requires actual hard work. The project management strategy has to work towards taking action, so that project management gets its desired objectives and milestones. Then, there is the review and repeat step that revises steps.

The above figure has continued the cycle between different components of stakeholder management analysis. It means that it is a process that keeps going. One has to understand the continuity of this process. For example, any stakeholder can become essential or inevitable regarding changes in the environment. So any stakeholder with little or no influence can become more influential. Similar is the case with interest that can be down from a high position. In any perspective, project management relies on stakeholder management. The case study on the library of the University of Western Australia has taken all stakeholders into account. The involvement of all stakeholders has been a success because all stakeholders have contributed to it. It recommends considering the stakeholder management analysis for any project so that all stakeholders and parties to a project can benefit from the activity.

Identification, pointing out, and Classification of Stakeholder Analysis and Stakeholder Management Plan:

The case study has the following classifications of stakeholders:

Classification Point Out Identification
Champion as the first classification. Stakeholders in this classification are the real asset of the project’s success. Project Owner

Project sponsor

Project team


The Project board is generally part of this classification as they are champions. They are keen to make the project a success.
Neutral are members of the internal and external stakeholders who do not have an interest primarily in the project. However, they can be turned into champions. Students Students might not be interested in the project going on in the library. However, they have stakes in it. If there is a proper communication plan, they can be made champions.
The antagonist is the classification in the stakeholder management that is about creating obstacles to the project and its success. Library Staff resistant to change Some members of the library staff can be antagonists who are not in the interest of success in the project. However, the case study does not highlight antagonists but it is obvious to face resistance to any change.
Stoic is the classification in the stakeholder group who has stakes in the project but lacks interest in it. University administration It might be possible that the university does not take a special interest in the project. But they might not show as much interest as they should have shown.
Ignored or Invisible classification in the project stakeholder management is about the ones who are not involved in the project management practices. However, they can be vital at later stages of project management. Suppliers, Senior users, Operations and legal division of the university The project in the case study should have got suppliers and senior users on board. It should have also taken legal division and options along with the project management as well. They would remain invisible or ignored until special attention is given to them.

Communication Plan:

A stakeholder management plan is an inevitable part of the communication plan. Due to proper communication plans, every obstacle can be turned into support, and there would be no antagonist as well.

Types of Meeting Involvement of Stakeholders
Group Meetings The above stakeholders need group meetings. The project board requires group meetings the most. Stakeholder management must incorporate group meetings representing various stakeholders so that the project might not face obstacles.
One-on-one Meetings Project manager, project sponsor, and project owner should hold a one-on-one meeting occasionally.
Written Approvals This kind of communication should be with the university administration, project suppliers, and the legal branch of the university. It is a formal communication method.
Informal Written Correspondence Such correspondence in written form is necessary for project members and other stakeholders. It is written but not formal, so it consists of memo letters, notes, text messages, and emails.
Follow Up Meetings The follow-up meeting is necessary for carrying out activities and tracking the progress of each activity needed for the project.
Budget Revision Meeting There should be a meeting for discussing the budget needed for the project. All stakeholders should work to work on the project budget so that everything remains within the estimated cost.
Risk Management Communication should take place to assess and minimize risks on the way to the proper accomplishment of the project and its activities.


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