Managing Pain in Male Breast Cancer Patients: Research Proposal


The chosen topic of managing pain in male breast cancer patients is significant, and in the context of the literature, the problem is worth taking for research and exploring. It is also a personal experience to observe a person with such pain. Therefore, this topic has been chosen for the study. Lack of focus on male breast cancer and the resulting pain is the main reason why the problem is going to be under research. It is right that the incidence and intensity of male cancer are much lower than female breast cancer. However, neglecting the issue faced by male members may not be suitable in the long run.

Literature Search Strategy:

The research highly relies on the literature search strategy because literature forms the foundation for the study. The search would consult databases like PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, CINAHL, and COCHRANE. Keywords to be used for the search would be male breast cancer pain management, assessing pain in male breast cancer patients, managing pain in male breast cancer patients, and approaches to managing pain in male breast cancer patients.

Literature Review:

Breast cancer in male patients and managing pain in this situation is the area that requires research. Research confirms that 64 percent of all patients who have advanced metastatic cancer are ales with breast cancer. Research also confirms that anti-cancer treatment for male breast cancer may not wholly stop the feeling of pain as 33 percent of the patients still experience the pain (Scarborough and Smith, 2018).

Masci et al. (2015) say that male breast cancer is a rare disease. Its incidence rate is only less than one percent of cancer incidents in males. However, the incidence rate is increasing, and its treatment follows the female breast cancer (Masci et al., 2015). Therefore, it is vital to research it so that this growing problem may get enough attention.


The literature review and research into the problem of pain in male breast cancer patients have anticipated the impact of different levels. This impact makes the research important for various stakeholders. The study would develop an understanding of this growing problem among males, and everyone would be able to take appropriate steps to solve and face the problem. It would also become a source to help others with this problem and the caregivers of people experiencing pain. There is very little research on male breast cancer and the pain due to the disease. The majority of research gets to benefit from female breast cancer studies. Therefore, the research would add substantial information and knowledge to present literature.

Summation/ Conclusion with Recommendations:

Research is going to be conducted on a problem that is rare. There is very little research in the field of pain in male breast cancer patients. The majority of the studies use literature from female breast cancer studies. As a result, this study would lead to inviting the attention of academics and practitioners towards this growing problem of pain in male breast cancer patients. 

Reference List:

Masci, G., Caruso, M., Caruso, F., Salvini, P., Carnaghi, C., Giordano, L. and Miserocchi, V. (2015) ‘Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics in male breast cancer: a retrospective case series’, The oncologist, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 586-592.

Scarborough, B.M. and Smith, C.B. (2018) ‘Optimal pain management for patients with cancer in the modern era,’ CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 182-196.

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