Learning and Development: Barclays

Learning and Development Assignment Questions

You should relate the recommendations in your report to the case study organisation that you used for your practical assessment, training staff on the strategic need to exceed customer expectations.

Task 1

Evaluate how the practical training you delivered in week six would serve the strategic goals of your case study organisation, while supporting the appropriate organisational culture. Pay particular attention to how you would analyse the training needs in an organisation of this type. You should provide a critical discussion of the effectiveness of your chosen methods in improving organisational performance and culture, using current theories and models of learning to inform your critique.

Task 2

Keep a learning log of the process that you go through during this module. Your log should record what happens, what you learn from studying the module and how this learning will inform your professional practice (using the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development CIPD professional standards map) after university.

Task 1: Training Needs


Training and development are a part of the organisation planning in the internal business environment. In the contemporary business era, the management can assess the needs for training and development of the company and shape several training and development strategies to improve work performance.  In the workplace, the company must assess knowledge and skill gaps, and accordingly, train its employees. The purpose is to build a strong workforce, create a pertinent organisational culture, enable business sustainability, and improve overall performance. This study revolves around the critical analysis of the method of training/learning needs analysis along with several insights. The emphasis of the research is on Barclays

The Company: Barclays

Barclays is a British multinational bank, which provides different financial services to an immense range of customers. The company was founded in 1690. The main products of the bank are retail banking, commercial banking, investment banking, and wealth management. It seems a powerful transnational corporation regarding corporate control, market competition, and global financial stability. According to 2018 financial reports, the revenue of the company is £21.136 billion (MichaelaIG, 2019). The firm deals with different business units. It seems a significant challenge to deal with 79,900 employees in different business units. However, training or learning need analysis and useful functionality have helped the firm to survive in the competitive business landscape.

Findings and Analysis

Findings and analysis include a method of training/learning need analysis. In an organisation, it seems imperative to streamline the training needed to improve work performance and increase the quality of different business outputs. Barclays, being the top financial institution of the country, intends to find an appropriate method to meet its goals.

Critical Analysis of Chosen Method of Training/Learning Needs Analysis

Barclays always intends to improve customer service. It is possible by enhancing the physical presence and improving the overall production, and these are top organisational needs. Thus, the company has to choose the method of training/learning need analysis to meet these organisational needs. In this financial institution, the management has practised Kolb’s Learning Cycle, which includes concrete experience, active experimentation, reflective observation, and abstract conceptualisation. It has been revealed that trends in doing business changed with time. Organisations have evolved, which also depicted a remarkable performance in the competitive market. In Barclays, this method has been practised because it seems pertinent to meet organisational needs. For Instance, employees in this company can learn through concrete experience. They have to idealise top performers in all business units, especially in customer service. Even in the industry, the management can observe the difference and feel that the new training strategy is required to improve and assess the performance of employees.

On the other hand, based on the learning process, Barclays provides opportunities for employees to participate in activities actively.  Some practical implications are needed to justify the learning process. Of course, Barclays needs to implement what is being learned. Reflective observation is also in the limelight in this financial giant. For Instance, based on the cognitive ability (Thoughts) of management and employees, the organisation reflects it in the workplace. Thus, the need can be predicted in this company by streamlining thoughts and opinions. Abstract conceptualisation is also one of the critical elements of this learning cycle or needs analysis method. For Instance, the workforce of the company, including the customer service department, can build its cognitive capability and reflect in the workplace accordingly (Barbazette, 2006).

In the modern business era, it has been revealed that organisations have improved productivity and improve the overall quality of the work to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction. Barclays’, which is dealing with an immense range of customers in different regions, must sustain this method to assess the need for training or learning analysis (Narasimhan and Ramanarayanan, 2014).

Application of the Needs Analysis

The next step to conduct the need analysis is to use different pertinent tools. It seems a form of the need analysis in this company. For Instance, the management should navigate three different options. First, it has to depict a consultation with various stakeholders. Consultation with different stakeholders (Internal and external) can help to derive key industry insights. Based on different bank industry trends, the company can predict how to train employees and enhance the visibility of learning. Barclays tried to shape the behaviour of its workforce to integrate with modern banking trends (House et al., 2002). Conversely, the company should streamline line profiles and job descriptions in the internal business environment. Based on the process efficiency factors, the company can identify different skills or capabilities, which are to be developed through training and the development process. Barclays works in divisions, and accordingly, it must create and focus on some focus groups to predict or assess needs regarding training and learning. The third option is to use interviews or questions. In different departments, this application seems pertinent, as it can facilitate in predicting individual needs and capabilities (Personneltoday.com, 2012).

Critical Analysis of the Skills/Knowledge Gaps

Barclay uses the gap analysis to evaluate the learning needs of the internal business environment.  Critically, just evaluating the learning needs based on opportunities and capabilities is not enough. The company has to identify the behaviour of employees in different business units. For Instance, if Barclays finds an opportunity in the internal business environment, it can observe employee resistance due to the current behaviour of employees. Thus, the skill and knowledge gap must be identified through some other strategic considerations. Instead of focusing on opportunities in the company, the company must analyse its current business environment or performance standards in different business units (Malik and Venkatraman, 2017).

First, the firm has to make a plan to meet its strategic goals and derive the current potential to shape a road map.  Opportunities in both internal and external business environment always exist. However, wisely determining the performance or skill gap should be the main propriety to meet organisational needs. Any change in the internal business environment requires some new skills and methods to improve the process. Critically, change and training need has been identified through Kolb’s Learning Cycle method. However, employee resistance is still a significant concern, which is one of the most prominent barriers when reducing the skill/knowledge gap (Ghotbifar, Marjani and Ramazani, 2017).

Summary of How the Training and Development Function May Help the Organisation

At Barclays, the training and development function helps to meet organisational needs. The firm wants to come up with efficient operations, rapid production, innovation, and skilled workforce improve both business and employee performance. Meeting these organisational needs through training and development is an effective way to sustain the company in the financial or banking industry in the long run. For Instance, if the management designs a training program, which can enhance the learning, skill development, and innovation, it can help to meet goals and gain and sustain the competitive advantage. Barclays always wants to become a learning organisation to maintain a diverse set of employees in different business units. Interestingly, the training and development process in the bank can facilitate creating a flexible work culture. Employees have learned how to improvise when managing operations or dealing with customers. In a diverse work culture, using Kolb’s Learning Cycle is the right approach to assess behaviours and shape a dynamic training plan. Teamwork, professional and technical learning capabilities can be developed that are necessaryfor the company. If the training and development process helps to meet all the organisational needs of the company, it can be sustained. Positive reinforcement is needed to keep the current business condition. For example, the training and development process has promoted the promote consumer convenience during transitions, and it seems a great help for an organisation, especially in the competitive landscape. It has been observed that the company has promoted proactive skills instead of streamlining reactive systems. In the training and development process, employees increase their ability to assess the need for proactive skills and adapt to meet organisational goals and objectives. In the competitive market, differentiation and innovation is the primary driver to gain and sustain the competitive advantage. However, the role of the training and development in this bank is quite visible, as far as the development of the learning culture is concerned. By assessing the training needs and implementing training practices, it is easy for the management to create a learning culture for different stakeholders, including employees and management. Thus, the training and development process in Barclays is quite visible, and it helps to get an edge over other rivals (Gillon, 2011).

Critical Overview of the Threat and Limitations of the Plan

A comprehensive plan triggers the training and development process of the company. For instance, the policy of the company is to use a learning cycle to assess the needs of learning or training and shape different training activities to create an innovative and learning culture. One of the most prominent threats that the company can face is any change in the external business environment.  The technological revolution in the banking industry has enabled many changes in the internal environment, which increased the business cost. It is a fact that the company invests millions in the training and development process. However, any change in technology may compel Barclays to reinvest. It seems a significant threat to work sustainability as well. When planning or applying different methods to assess the training need, the firm may also contain a limited budget. Thus, any change in the industry can restrain the company from reshaping new budgets. Therefore, financial constraints and changing industry trends are interrelated (Reed and Vakola, 2006).

On the other hand, different competitors in the industry can streamline different strategies to differentiate the process.  To gain and sustain the competitive advantage, they may improve operational efficiency and work performance, and it can lead to customer loyalty and satisfaction.  Barclays has also to maintain its competitive strategies along with the training and development process. If it intends to beat competitors, it has to keep its focus. Thus, the firm may lack the emphasis on training and development processes in case of any possible competitive action.

Critical Overview of the Role of Learning/Training Function

The role of the training function in Barclays seems pertinent. Improving the performance of employees and strengthening the physical presence are critical needs of this corporation. The organisational learning theory comes to life when evaluating the training need analysis and its impact on the organisation. The training function may contain several training managers, which can increase organisational capability through coaching and developing people.  Training need analysis to be aligned with the learning process. For Instance, the workplace can become durable, reliable, effective, and efficient and employee oriented. It has been revealed that the company has developed a large technological infrastructure to support the learning culture (Crawley, Swailes and Walsh, 2013).

Of course, the learning cycle in the company helped to identify the training or learning needs. Thus, to establish learning or training culture, technological infrastructure has been developed to make a difference. Training and development process in the learning culture is sufficient to promote professionalism. Barclays has designed some required professional courses for employees in the workplace. However, critically, instead of focusing on limited learning of training functions, a flexible culture or workplace is to be created by the company to embrace new traits or skills (Bartell, 2001).


In the end, it is to conclude that Barclays bank got the capability of developing a learning culture. Based on the current needs of the workplace, the company has successfully used Kolb’s learning cycle as a critical framework to predict the training need. After assessing the training need, different benefits for organisations have been streamlined along with some key insights. Interestingly, training or learning need analysis is associated with various organisational needs, and these are to be used as key measures to evaluate the whole learning and development program. The financial or banking industry has become competitive, and it is an excellent opportunity for Barclays to strengthen its internal force and get an edge over other competitors. The learning and development process can also be included in the strategic planning process, as it is interrelated with both customers and business outcomes.


Barbazette, J. (2006) Training Needs Assessment: Methods, Tools, and Techniques, John Wiley & Sons.

Bartell, S.M. (2001) ‘Training’s New Role in Learning Organizations’, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 354-363.

Crawley, E., Swailes, S. and Walsh, D. (2013) Introduction to International Human Resource Management, OUP Oxford.

Ghotbifar, F., Marjani, M. and Ramazani, A. (2017) ‘Identifying And Assessing the Factors Affecting Skill Gap In Digital Marketing In Communication Industry Companies’, Independent Journal of Management & Production, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-14.

Gillon, A.C. (2011) ‘Does OD practice within the HR profession in the UK reflect the academic rhetoric?’, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 150-169.

House, R., MansourJavidan, Hanges, P. and Dorfmand, P. (2002) ‘Understanding cultures and implicit leadership theories across the globe: an introduction to project GLOBE’, Journal of World Business, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 3-10.

Malik, G. and Venkatraman,A. (2017) ‘“The great divide”: skill gap between the employer’s expectations and skills possessed by employees’, Industrial and Commercial Training, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 175-182.

MichaelaIG (2019) Galaxy  Fold: Future or Gimmick Feature? – EMEA Brief 21 Feb, 21February, [Online], Available: https://community.ig.com/blogs/entry/400-galaxy-fold-future-or-gimmick-feature-emea-brief-21-feb/ [27 March 2019].

Narasimhan, G.V. and Ramanarayanan, D.C.S. (2014) ‘Analysis Of Training Needs Assessment And Implementation – A Comparative Study Of Public And Private Sector Banks’, Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 71-79.

Personneltoday.com (2012) CIPD opens its HR Profession Map to all practitioners, 25September, [Online], Available: https://www.personneltoday.com/hr/cipd-opens-its-hr-profession-map-to-all-practitioners/ [20 March 2019].

Reed, J. and Vakola, M. (2006) ‘What role can a training needs analysis to play in organizational change?’, Journal of Organizational Change Management, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 393-407.

Task 2: Learning Log and CIPD

What happened?


What did I learn or gain from these activities? Aspects of the CIPD professional map


1 Defining training/ learning need analysis  The course has helped me to learn about training or learning need analysis. I was a wonderful experience for me to understand the training need analysis in a top organisation. Traditionally, I did not know about this concept. It made me believe those top corporations like Barclays usually initiative the learning and development process along with a proper rationale. I have understood this rationale, and it is meeting the needs of organisations in the competitive era. Collaborative, personally credible
2 Learning and development functions Understanding learning and development was a key challenge for me, but I was part of a capable group to derive different insights. When evaluating Barclays, it was an excellent opportunity for me to navigate different business units, including customer services.  I have learned how the organisation, especially in the banking sector predicts the need for learning and shape different strategies to meet its organisational needs. Of course, it was interesting to see the change to form the employee behaviour and enhance the visibility of learning Decisive thinker,

Driven to Deliver

3 Conducting Learning Needs Analysis.


I have learned about the practical learning need analysis of the company.  For Instance, when evaluating Barclays bank, I have observed the needs of this analysis. When elaborating the bank in terms of learning needs, I have provided mu suggestions, which were based on my cognition. It was a critical analysis of the learning need, and I have played the role of the influencer in this whole process. Skilled Influencer
4 Designing Learning & Development & Discussions Designing the learning and development or evaluating it was part of this activity. Based on observations in Barclay’s company, I have discussed the functionality and role effectively. For Instance, I have observed how the performance and operational efficiency can be changed with time by successfully implementing training or learning activities. In an organisation, the management can discuss the impact of these activities. Being a deceive thinker and skilled influencer, I have predicted the possible implications for the company in the competitive landscape Decisive thinker, Skilled influencer
5 Different training methods and styles.

Different delivery techniques.


I have learned about different training delivery techniques. For Instance, interview, questions, stakeholder consultation, job description, and role profile are different delivery techniques, which are discussed in the course activity. Being an observer, I think these techniques are pertinent. If I am an external stakeholder (Business expert), I can suggest these techniques to deliver. Identifying better techniques to enhance learning is the way to meet goals and predict the future outcomes of the company. Role model, curious, collaborative
6 Practical/Presentation I learned how to work in a team and execute my skills. It is practical work, as I have to apply skills and concepts according to my role in the presentation. Presenting something new, which I learned in the assignment can be a wonderful experience for me. However, it depends on my rile on the group Collaborative
7 L&D Assessment & Evaluation  It was time to assess what had been done so far. I evaluated the work by observing different concepts and theories, which have been applied. Curious
8 Curator’ of Learning and Development and developing self Self-development was then a priority. I challenged myself to find some more insights. Courage to Challenge
9 Leading and managing Developing the managerial role is essential, especially in group work. I expected that I could become a group leader to guide team members Driven to deliver
10 Review of Learning Overall, the learning process was incredible. I got knowledge of the particular subject and willing to deliver it.  all steps are to be reviewed in the whole process, as the purpose is to find loopholes and depict some modifications Decisive Thinker

 The learning log is associated with the CIDP map (The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development). It can help an organisation to idealise its performance and derive different business benefits.  Four different bands trigger it.  The learning log has been elaborated with aspects of the CIPD professional map

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