Integrated Marketing Communication-Uber: HI5004 Marketing Management

Integrated Marketing Communication

Uber Company is in the limelight due to its high-quality services for customers, especially in urban areas. The need for an effective marketing communication plan looks imperative, as it can help to augment the visibility of attraction and positioning. For Instance, in the competitive market, the company has to identify potential communication channels to convey the message to the customer, as it can create an impact on buying decisions. Attraction and positioning are two main objectives of integrated marketing communication, and Uber Company is quite aware of it.

Marketing Communication Tools

Integrated marketing communication is a process of using multiple media channels to create harmony in the communication process. For Uber, it is to be ensured that all communication forms are linked together. Consequently, Uber has to navigate the best options in terms of promotions channels to make the difference. First, Uber’s selection of media or promotional tools will be elaborated. Further, it can be explained by the integrated marketing communication matrix.


One of the most prominent integrated marketing communication tools is advertising. It is a fact that Uber has used both traditional and modern media channels to interact with customers effectively. For Instance, Uber has run several television ads, which helped to grab an immense range of customers watching different television shows. On the other hand, young, tech-savvy people on social media channels are also visible. Therefore, social media marketing has been initiated, which helped to increase customer traffic. Apart from these digital channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and many others, the company always intended to link with traditional media channels such as radio and newspapers. Ultimately, the firm has to find customers who still use these channels to get information. Accordingly, on all these channels, Uber intended to convey the same information, and it enabled incredible harmony. However, in the advertising process, the most significant advantage for Uber Company is online marketing, especially in social media channels. It creates an opportunity for the company to streamline the evaluable content. Of course, it is the cheaper way to interact with customers, and it increases the marketing outcomes (Bruhn & Schnebelen, 2017).

Personal Selling

Personal selling is also one of the most prominent ways to increase attraction and sales. Uber has used this tool, especially on online channels, to enable direct context with buyers. Personal selling is the right approach, which can also help the company to identify issues and make decisions accordingly (Finne & Grönroos, 2017).

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is an important tool for the Uber Company, as it can ensure immediate sales due to several incentives for customers. Uber depicted the sales promotion through its app, as customers usually receive bonuses, discounts, and cash back. Due to a sufficient point system, customers can get ride discounts. Promotions such as discounts or rewards are based on the customer journey with the company (Reid et al., 2005).

Pubic Relation

Pubic relation is also one of the most prominent strategies, as it can facilitate doing business in the right way. For Instance, Uber aims to share the driving experience with people through its app. People or riders give stars to drivers, which are based on their ride experience. Thus, “public relations” is based on the information, and ultimately, it helps to identify problems and come up with appropriate solutions (Pitta et al., 2006).

The example of integrated marketing communication in India is quite visible, as Uber has taken several initiatives. For Instance, Uber has collaborated up with Madison in India to start the campaign in the Hindi language. The ultimate goal or objective of this initiative is to create togetherness. To get better outcomes, Uber has used television and many social media channels such as Facebook and YouTube.

Integrated Marketing Communication Matrix

The integrated marketing communication matrix of Uber is visible, as it streamlines several options. Based on the one way or two-way communication, media selection is pertinent. The nature of one way or two-way communication can be depicted along with the association with several media channels.

Integrated Marketing Communication Matrix

Integrated Marketing Communication Matrix 2


In the end, it is to conclude that Uber has the potential to shape an effective integrated marketing communication strategy. The communication matrix has depicted the intention of the company. However, it is to mention that the company must change its marketing communication strategy to integrate with new trends. The most important thing is to navigate the customer in terms of needs and wants and shape the message and communication channel accordingly. The marketing communication mix has been explained, along with an integrated marketing communication matrix. IMC strategy should be flexible, as some modifications may be required to be relevant and lucrative. Uber has done a great job so far in terms of marketing communication, and it led it to experience compelling business outcomes.


Bruhn, M. & Schnebelen, S., 2017. Integrated marketing communication – from an instrumental to a customer-centric perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), pp.464-89.

Finne, Å. & Grönroos, C., 2017. Communication-in-use: customer-integrated marketing communication. European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), pp.445-63.

Ots, M. & Nyilasy, G., 2017. Just doing it: theorising integrated marketing communications (IMC) practices. European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), pp.490-510.

Pitta, D.A., Weisgal, M. & Lynagh, P., 2006. Integrating exhibit marketing into integrated marketing communications. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(3), pp.156-66.

Reid, M., Luxton, S. & Mavondo, F., 2005. The Relationship Between Integrated Marketing Communication, Market Orientation, And Brand Orientation. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), pp.11-23.

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