Global Social Innovation Challenges

Finances and Resources

Facilitating the refuge women in Australia has become a key challenge for government and related organizations. Of course, there is always a need to come up with appropriate or adequate financial and other resources. It is a fact that the Australian government and many charity organizations have to contribute to this refugee women’s development program. The best thing for these organizations is to identify different financial resources and set the foundation for the growth and development of refugee women. When it comes to the impact of innovation on this social issue or development program, organizations have to build several networks. The functionality of this network needs adequate financial resources. If the government or organization aims to shape several segments for refugee women to become independent in Australian society, related programs are to be developed along with adequate funding (McPherson, 2014).

a-Stakeholders and Investors

When it comes to stakeholders and investors, there is a need to identify several channels. Educating the Australian women and creating awareness is possible by integrating with media channels and educational institutions. It is a fact that the educational institution and media changes, including both traditional and digital, are target channels, as these are sources to spread the information and change the behavior of refugee women in Australia. It can be said that the media channels and educational institutions are vital stakeholders. Investment in educational institutions and media channels is essential to enhance the visibility of the outcomes of this remarkable program. On the other hand, the main stakeholders in this development program are the refugee women, financial institutions, and government. Now, these women have to learn how to spend an independent life in Australia by integrating with financial institutions like banks and other lending organizations (, 2020)

b-Financial Model

An appropriate cost structure triggers the financial model. The best thing that the organization can bring is activity-based costing, as it is the best way to keep the program’s cost low. The critical resources for funding are financial institutions such as banks and lending corporations. Apart from it, the government can also provide support in the development program. However, for each source, activity-based costing is a key to keep the cost of the program low. The primary revenue resource in this program is the increasing rate of asylum applications. Investing in these people and getting back in the form of contribution is the right approach.


In the end, it is to presume that the refugee women program in Australia is an excellent move to enhance the visibility of returns to both society and the economy. It seems imperative for all key stakeholders to identify their roles and responsibilities effectively and get things in the favor. The ultimate goal is to make these women get rid of social and financial issues and work independent women. In this incredible women development program, women are the primary stakeholders, as they can play the role of the change agent with the support from organizations and government.

References (2020) 4 Pregnancy care for migrant and refugee women, 24 March, [Online], Available: [5 June 2020].

McPherson, M. (2014) Refugee Women, Representation and Education: Creating a Discourse of Self-authorship and Potential, Routledge.

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