Consumer Behaviour: Assessment 1-Forum Participation (Part A)


consumer buying behaviour implies to the selection, purchase and utilization of goods and service for the satisfaction of their wants.Moreover,customer behaviour is concerned not only with why they buy it,when,where and how they buy it and how offend they buy it.

the data of client behaviour helps the vendor to grasp however shoppers assume,feel and choose from alternatives like product,brands and also the like and the way the shoppers square measure affected by their environment, the reference groups, family and salesperson.


“The behavior that customers display in searching for, buying, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs” (Schiffman 2007)


The role of a consumer is crucial in a financial system because it is a consumer who needs goods and service.

1-is positively related to wider organisational processes including recruiting, training, and compensation?

2-is completely associated with business unit end of the day performance?

3-varies across business groups within large scale companies.

4-is positively associated with personal attitudes towards their jobs?


“Five stage model of the consumer buying process a marketer has to understand these steps to properly move the consumer to the buying the product, communicate effectively to consumers and close the sale.

1-Problem recognition

A purchase cannot occur while not the proper of the necessity. The need could be triggered by internal stimuli (such as hunger or thirst) or external stimuli (such as advertising or word of mouth).

2-Information search

This is buyer’s effort to search for an internal and external company environment, in order to identify and evaluate information sources associated with the central shopping for calls.

3-Evaluation of alternatives

As you would possibly expect, individuals will evaluate different products or brands at the stage on the basis of alternatives product attributes.

4-Purchase decision

The penultimate stage is wherever the acquisition takes place. Philip Kotler (2009) states that the ultimate purchase call could also be disrupted by two factors: feedback from alternative customers and also the level of motivation to simply accept the feedback.

5-Post purchase behaviour

In brief, customers can compare the product with their previous expectations and can be either happy or disgruntled. Therefore, these stages are crucial in retaining customers.


Every individual has needs that are required to be fulfilled. Primary desires are food, clothing, shelter and secondary desires are society, culture.

Consumer needs
Product needs Service needs
functionality Empathy
performance Fairness
reliability transparency
Price Control
convenience Options
experience information
design accessibility


Wants are a little more in addition to the needs. For example, food could be like and sort of food is person want.

1-Bring New Perspectives and Ideas

If customers could diagnose their own issues and come up with feasible solutions on their own, they would do so. The reason that they’re turning to you and your firm is that they’re stuck and want your support. Therefore, you must be able to bring something new to the table.

2-Understand ALL the Customer’s Needs

Employees should also link up with the people who will be affected by their contribution and understand how buying from you will satisfy their personal needs, like career advancement and job security.

3-Help the Customer Avoid Potential Pitfalls

Customers realize that each business decision entails risk, however they also want your help to minimize that risk. customers want to know what could go wrong and what has gone wrong in similar situations, and what steps you’re taking to make sure these troubles won’t recur.

4-Communicate the Purchasing Process

Customers hate it when sellers run around issues like price, discounts, availability, total cost, add-on options, and so forth. They want you to be able to tell them, in simple language, what’s involved in buying and how that buying will take place.


Consumer motivation is an inner state that drives people to identify and buy products or services that fulfil conscious and unconscious needs or wants. The satisfaction of those needs can then motivate them to make a repeat purchase or to find different goods and services to better fulfil those needs. Motivation explains why individuals behave in certain ways, what energises their behaviour and what directs their subsequent voluntary action(s) (Deci and Ryan, 1985; Nambisan, 2002).


There are four main factors that play a role in the consumer’s buying behaviour. These factors involve cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors. The psychological factors that affect an individual’s decision to make a purchase are further categorized into the individual’s motivations, perceptions, learning and his beliefs and attitudes. (Call wood, 2013).


Accordingly, motives can be described as relatively enduring, strong, and persistent internal motivations that arouse and direct behaviour toward certain goals (Trehan, 2009).


Perception is how consumers recognize the world around them based on information received through their sensations.


Learning means learning from their earlier experience and pursuing to maintain balance or regularity by relating to and understanding new stimuli in terms of past or learned stimuli (Blythe, 2008).

4-Beliefs and Attitudes

Kotler defines belief as “descriptive thought that a person holds about something” and attitude as “a person’s enduring favourable or unfavourable cognitive evaluations, emotional feelings, and action tendencies toward some object or idea”. Individuals can have specific opinions and attitudes about specific products and services (Sarangapani, 2009)


N Ramya and DR. SA Mohamed Ali(2016)factor affecting consumer buying behaviour(pp-76-80)

Robert W.ruekert(2002)“Developing a market orientation: an organizational strategy perspective”

Alina Stankevich(2017) “explaining the consumer decision making process: critical literature  review” vol 2,issue6,2017

Deborah Roberts,Mathew Hughes,Kia Kerb(2014)Exploring consumers’ motivations to engage in innovation throughco-creation activities’_motivations_to_engage_in_innovation_through_co-creation_activities

Mark Anthony Camilleri1, PhD (Edinburgh)(2017)understanding customer  needs and wants


Your discussion and analysis on consumer behaviour is valuable because you have adopted a detailed and comprehensive approach. From the definition and meanings to different perspectives and processes, you have covered the topic effectively. The decision-making model has useful and prominent steps which may help to know consumer behaviour. Concepts like consumer motivation and psychological factors affecting consumer behaviour take the discussion deeper enough to consider underlying factors shaping behaviour of a consumer. I have noted that you have covered the topic from the customer perspective along with the perspective of the business. However, the customer perspective prevails over business perspective. However, the heading saying that customer wants meaning shows that you want to address businesses to respond to customers. I like your way of explaining and discussion of the topic and I believe that you have extended the discussion to make consumer behaviour effective for any business.

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