SWOT Analysis of New Life Fitness in London


Concerning the London fitness market, fitness integration with the EMS technology is the biggest strength, as people in this region are ever ready to adopt new fitness trends, and Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is in the limelight. People seem responsive due to advanced technological service, which enhances the visibility of sales. New Life Fitness is coming up with the new technological trends, instated of relying on traditional fitness exercises. It would be a cheaper service for health and fitness conscious people, which not only makes a successful entry into London but also leads towards long-term sustainability. Electric Muscle Stimulation fitness service is a unique and differentiated product, which can attract more people and let them make positive buying decisions due to EMS. New Life Fitness in London can also sustain a high brand image through the integration of high-quality expert services and EMS technology. High level or fitness training with electric pads on the body enables the sustainable muscle growth, which will create a high brand image in the eyes of the customers, especially in London where many people have not been provided with fitness opportunities by introducing advanced technologies like EMS. The cost of the services will also be quite low as compared to other EMS giants in Northwest London, North London, Central London and throughout Middlesex. The provision of group sessions and one-on-one sessions in a comfortable and private environment is a major strength of New Life Fitness. A single session provided by New Life Fitness will burn more than 700 calories.


Increasing negative perception of people about Electronic Muscle Stimulation technology has emerged as the biggest weakness for New Life Fitness. People who like conventional exercises find it hard to make them understand the multiplier benefits of EMS because they have no or poor motivation for using EMS to strengthen their muscles. Comparatively, the competitors like EMS Fitness, EXERCEO, Surge, E-Pulsive and E-Fit trainers in London provide diverse services. Concerning the income level and demographics of people, EMS Fitness London offers sessions, ranging from £25 to £900 along with the free trial, I, 5, 10 20 and 30 sessions respectively while New Life Fitness does not offer such types of free trials to attract more persons. Thus, due to no free trials, people will move towards more diversified fitness service if they are satisfied during free trials. The competitors such as EXERCEO and EMS Fitness are doing fitness businesses for many years in London and other parts of United Kingdom. Thus, it seems tough to build trust and attract customers in London. These competitors are promoting their business through advertisements on different media channels. Hence, a big weakness will be the visibility after entering into the fitness market.


Relative to the last weakness, mentioned above, this is a great opportunity for the New Life Fitness to use different but effective social and traditional media channels to disperse information about its cheap EMS services to capture customers in London fitness market. An impressive and effective advertisement is essential, as many people do not have awareness about EMS and other associated services. In this way, opportunities to enhance or grab the immense range of customers can increase. New Life Fitness is going to offer low prices such as £35-50 for group sessions and one-on-one session so that new customers can be targeted especially, students and young persons. New Life Fitness by using EMS can help the customers to recruit their 98% muscles as compared to only 50% by doing the normal workout for a long time. New Life Fitness can demonstrate the dramatic change in fitness with just 20-minute session once or twice a week.  After the significance response from people, the company can expand the business in different parts of the city to serve more customers with differentiated services and brand image. The profitability of the business depends on the development of different sessions and segments for people, depending on the income level and the health consciousness. The competitors such as EXERCEO training and EMS Fitness are providing the bundles of offers like one session, ten sessions, six months and12 month contract with the price of £40, £35, £30, and £25 respectively along with the expert’s services. Thus, increasing the service range with different sessions and hiring the top-quality professionals to train and guide the people in London will create huge opportunities for the New Life Fitness business.  The health-conscious population in London provides a successful business opportunity to New Life Fitness, as numbers of people are on increase who want a good shape and healthy body, so the company can attract customers conveniently in a short period to avail this great opportunity to start and expand its business. EMS is also very helpful for strengthening weak muscles so New Life Fitness has the opportunity to attract more customers who have weak muscles.


The government of the United Kingdome, due to the emerging side effects, intends to regulate the usability of Electronic Muscle Stimulator. If the government passes regulations for use or limited use of EMS techniques, then the business may not remain profitable for the entrepreneur. So, restricted or no use of EMS because of country laws is a gigantic threat to this business in London and the parts of the country. Another threat for New Life Fitness by using EMS is that most of the people believe that conventional exercises are more effective than EMS as EMS suites only those people who dislike sports activities. This wrong perception of people for EMS may create hurdles for the business of New Life Fitness. The other threat to this business is that it is easy to enter this business as investors can easily invest in fitness business by introducing EMS and other health-related technologies. New Life Fitness has some limitation such as a small number of sessions and fitness experts or trainers, so if numbers of customer increase, then New Life Fitness will be incapable to serve a large pool of customers and may lose the opportunity to expand its business. One threat to New Life Fitness is that with the passage of time, the cost of the EMS services might increase so that the customers may move towards competitors or traditional exercises.


Strengths Weakness
Integration With Technology

People Seem Responsive

Sustainable Fitness Activities

High Brand Image

Low cost of services


Negative perception of people

Poor motivation for using EMS

No Free Trials

Tough to build trust


Opportunities Threats
Integrate with the different social and Traditional media channels

Low prices such as £35-50

Differentiated services

Significance response from people

The profitability of the business

Different sessions and segments

Grab the immense range

Demonstrate the dramatic change in fitness


Regulate the usability of Electronic Muscle Stimulator

Wrong belief of people

New rivals are coming with the EMS services

Increasing cost of EMS



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