Green Marketing Campaign

We are Coventry: Green Marketing Campaign


Sustainable tourism and destination management have to consider green marketing in its campaign. The city of Coventry is going to celebrate the campaign titled “We are Coventry” as part of the city of culture celebrations in 2023. The city should use green marketing practices for the campaign because of its various benefits.

Green Marketing Campaign:

Coventry is the UK city of culture for 2023, and it is going to run the campaign “We are Coventry”. The Campaign would focus on the city and its culture. The importance of green marketing is there because of its many benefits. “We are Coventry” campaign should align it with green marketing. Various aspects of making the campaign a green campaign need to be explored here. The management of the campaign has to announce programs in 2022 but it is to recommend that green marketing may increase the significance of the campaign manifold (Coventry2021, 2019). Several activities and events are expected for 2023 in the city. They include large scale spectacles, dance, theatre, music, and poetry. Other events related to cultural celebrations and heritage experiences. Going green in marketing for these events may make the campaign healthy and more relevant to the city. The title of the UK city of culture for 2023 would attract many tourists to the city. Green marketing would encourage sustainable practices for the entire event. It would result in a better image among tourists to the city.

The Benefits of Green Marketing:

Before starting preparations for the “We are Coventry” campaign, several benefits of green marketing should be in mind. These benefits directly affect the campaign and all stakeholders. Here, three main benefits are worth explaining.

First, green marketing makes genuine efforts, where words and actions have no differences. Commonalities between words and actions make green marketing an ideal practice. Especially, it is beneficial for campaigns like Coventry is going to witness in 2023. The title of the city of culture may boost if the city practices and employs green marketing efforts in promoting it. As a result, the impact of the campaign would be long term and sustainable (Widyastuti et al., 2019).

Second, green marketing educates stakeholders and audiences. Any event of the campaign has its particular audience that has the right to information and education. The city would attract many tourists in 2023 as a result of activities under the campaign. Green marketing efforts should encourage them and communication in marketing has to stress the need to be environmentally responsible. It would develop a common ground for all (Ward, 2018).

Third, green marketing enables participation. It is highly relevant to the campaign for the city that is going to celebrate. Everyone is going to join and celebrate the campaign and green marketing would make participation possible for all. The benefits of green marketing for the campaign in Coventry would increase its significance.

Specific Strategies for Green Marketing:

For the green marketing campaign to be a success, it should be proactive in the implementation, use electronic materials, use responsible products and pieces of equipment, engage third party businesses that are sustainable, and employ transparent communication.

The “We are Coventry” campaign can use these strategies to make it a green marketing campaign. Being proactive in green practices implementation would enhance the culture of the city where local products and culture would gain popularity. It would result in co-awareness for tourists and the city residents around the common culture of the city (Royne et al., 2016). Responsible culture and working sustainably would lead the campaign engaged and participatory for all stakeholders. The use of transparent communication would make the culture a common good that is shared for everyone in the city (Jamrozy, 2007). Therefore, green marketing strategies should revolve around communication, responsible practices, and being proactive in green practice implementation.


Coventry2021 (2019) ABOUT COVENTRY 2021, [Online], Available: [16 December 2019].

Jamrozy, U. (2007) ‘Marketing of tourism: a paradigm shifts toward sustainability’, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 117-130.

Royne, M.B., Thieme, J., Levy, M., Oakley, J. and Alderson, L. (2016) ‘From thinking green to buying green: consumer motivation makes the difference’, The Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 37-43.

Ward, S. (2018) 3 Keys to Successful Green Marketing Campaigns, [Online], Available: [16 December 2019].

Widyastuti, S., Said, M., Siswono, S. and Firmansyah, D.A. (2019) ‘Customer Trust through Green Corporate Image, Green Marketing Strategy, and Social Responsibility: A Case Study’, European Research Studies, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 83-99.

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