Effective Project Management Processes and Methodologies

Application of Effective Project Management Processes and Methodologies


Effective project management is a need for any organization to enhance the visibility of effective business outcomes. There are several traits or strategies for project managers, which can be adopted or implemented to improve the whole project process and get the advantage. In this particular study, the emphasis is on the applications of project management. Apart from it, several methodologies and knowledge areas are also to be elaborated along with some key insights. Finally, project success and failure, along with possible consequences, are also to be highlighted.

Effective Project Management

Making the project useful and successful by identifying the project life cycle is the right approach. The project management has to understand the structure and process, which is to be repeated with time. Thus, proper criteria can help to bring efficiency. Knowing the scope and keeping all requirements in the loop is also key to effective project management. Building team, shaping the project plan, streamlining corrective actions, and managing variances are several traits to make the whole project management process effective (Wysocki, 2014).

Application of Project management Processes

However, in the contemporary era, modern organizations can use several project management applications to make the project effective and lucrative. For Instance, one of the prominent applications is project Pier, as it is an open-source and free application to manage the whole project. The tasks can be managed through a web interface. The project manager can control this application and communicate it to all other key stakeholders. On the other hand, one of the best applications for project management is collative. It seems a practical and straightforward application, which can help the project manager to manage tasks and make schedules incredibly.

Another application to enhance the visibility of effectiveness is Liferay, and it can be used as a social collaboration system. It enables the virtual workplace in the organization and streamlines effective communication for project management and all key stakeholders. Innovative social document sharing is one of the significant benefits of this application. Open Go is also one of the prominent project management applications, and usually, it is to be used for document creation. Document creating and sharing saves the time of the project management, and ultimately, project management will be in a better position to bring efficiency. Klok is also an incredible application, which always helps the project manager to manage the time. The project manager can use this application to track time regarding multiple project activities. Google Docs is also a useful application, as users can edit the same document at the same time. Thus, these are some essential applications, and depending on the nature of the project, some of these may be chosen or selected (Staff, 2009).

Methodology and Knowledge Areas

For iterative and incremental projects, agile mythology is the right approach. In this particular project methodology, project management always enhances team building and collaborates to improve the project with time. This methodology always supports a clear and measurable structure to complete the project.

Another critical project methodology is Scrum, as it is triggered by values such as focus, courage, commitment, respect, and openness. The scrum method is to be adopted by project management if there is a need to develop complicated products. Iterative and collaboration are part of this project methodology. The third relevant and useful methodology for project management is Kanban, and Toyota initially adopted it. In this method, the project team will be using visualization, limiting the work wastes, making the management flow, using feedback, and collaboration to evolve with time. Of course, these practices can help to complete the project early along with great effectiveness (Workfront.com, 2018).

Project Knowledge Areas

The critical project knowledge areas are listed below

  • Project Integration Management
  • Time Management
  • Cost Management
  • Scope Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Quality Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Communication Management
  • Risk Management
  • Stakeholder Management

These are critical knowledge areas for the project managers and project teams. It is a fact that every project is linked to these vital areas. Each dimension or aspect of knowledge can streamline separate goals, objectives, and measures. Interestingly, these knowledge areas are also connected. Thus, the project manager must be able to interconnect these knowledge areas (Pmi.org, 2010).

Project Success/Failure

One of the critical reasons for success is effective communication. Apart from it, the project can be considered successful if it manages cost incredibly and completes the project within the budget. On the other hand, regarding the failure of the project, a lack of resources may also lead to failure. Typically, project stakeholders are not trained enough to pay attention to different warning signs. Stakeholders usually do not take an interest in project activities, as they are working with any motive. Another reason for project failure is setting unrealistic deadlines (Project Management Institute, 2013).

Possible Consequences

The possible consequences are destructive, as the company may have an incomplete project along with a considerable loss. These potential consequences can be experienced in the long run, as well. For instance, the company cannot start the project shortly due to impaired image and substantial financial loss. Another possible consequence of project management is that it cannot satisfy the key stakeholders and enable an adequate rate of return.


In the end, it is to conclude that project management must be managed and controlled to enhance effectiveness.  The project manager must be aware of multiple project management applications. He must be mindful of how a particular application can contribute to the effectiveness of the project. By navigating various knowledge areas of project management, project management can be in a better position to make effective strategies. The project manager must be aware of possible reasons regarding project success and failure. The most important thing is to reduce or eliminate the negative consequences due to the possible collapse of the project. The reasons regarding success and failure must be navigated to make workable mitigation strategies.


Pmi.org, 2010. The Value of Project Management. [Online] Available at: https://www.pmi.org/-/media/pmi/documents/public/pdf/white-papers/value-of-project-management.pdf [Accessed 22 April 2020].

Project Management Institute, 2013. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. 5th ed. Newtown Square.

Staff, W., 2009. 14 Applications for Project Management and Collaboration. [Online] Available at: https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/02/14-applications-for-project-management-and-collaboration/ [Accessed 22 April 2020].

Workfront.com, 2018. 9 Best Practices for Effective Project Management. [Online] Available at: https://www.workfront.com/blog/9-best-practices-for-effective-project-management [Accessed 22 April 2020].

Wysocki, R.K., 2014. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme. 7th ed. John Wiley & Sons.

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